Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm thinking...I'm thinking...

Just in case you thought I had totally given up on that whole sewing hobby thing. 

Nope.  It's at the back of my mind all the time.  I have three projects on my sewing table RIGHT NOW that need finishing up (the yellow Violet above, the green check dress from McCalls 6328 below, and the mustard skirt). 

And I received my new Colette patterns last week!

I'm especially excited to try the Clover, although pants are usually a disaster for me, and that bow tie top must be muslined.  Asap.

Also...I just wanted to say thanks for hanging in there with me during the busy, beginning months of yet another school year.  I appreciate you all!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

wednesday wisdom.

(Ummm...  yes. I'm a ninja.)
(in case you didn't already know that.)

Monday, September 26, 2011


Bit under the weather this weekend and I spent a good amount time listening to this marvel.

Jeez Louise people, that's LIVE.

Does anyone not have a huge girl crush on Adele??

Friday, September 23, 2011

el regalo mas grande

Just one I can't get enough of lately.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

if you've the notion to create...

'specially with the Big One only 92 days away, I think these are the CUTEST.

Obviously, you could just buy them too.  Er, no.  Really.  You could.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Stripes are my BFF.  Don't tell Dots.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Style Icon: Zooey Deschanel

Her retro cuteness is about to go mainstream.  I have mixed feelings about this.  Zooey has always been sort of an thrifty/vintage fashion trade secret.  She is endearing in part because she seems so NORMAL.

I blogged her cotton commercial a year or so ago, and knocked off a skirt from that commercial.  This was my fave outfit from that ad campaign though:

And this. Bangles.  Tights. Pop of color.  Cardi.

EVERYTHING she wore in 500 Days of Summer.  Want.

And in her real life, where you assume she doesn't have a stylist (or at least her stylist is as quirky as she is), I love her vintage kitsch.

The commercial for her new Fox tv show this fall, The New Girl, featured a great, vintagey sundress.  

Which just so happens to be in my anthropologie favorites's the Nostalgic Asterisks Dress.

The New Girl premieres right after Glee next Tuesday night! can download the full episode for free NOW, on iTunes! 

Zooey Deschanel=Adorable.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Modcloth Fall Goodies

Modcloth has been stocking some really cute items for fall lately.  These are my faves for tops:

and then there are these really cute dresses:

Oh, Modcloth.  You're always good for some eye candy!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never forget.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, 
that all men are created equal, 
that they are endowed by their Creator 
with certain unalienable Rights, 
that among these are Life, Liberty 
and the pursuit of Happiness.

United we stand.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Teachery Blog...

Just a quickie post this morning for my teacher friends! I've decided to open a Teachers Pay Teachers store to upload my freebie stuff to, AND to share my classroom/teaching stuff on it's own blog. 

A few times the past several weeks I've been dying to post something about teaching or my classroom or to share a free digital item, and I've held back because I know the majority of you aren't teachers and wouldn't be interested.  The good news (I think?) is, there are a lot of teachers blogging now!  Teacher blogs are EVERYWHERE! 

I'm keeping the name I used to use for my class blog...Yo! Ms. Amos!  (This is what a student used to say to me, years ago, when he wanted my attention.  It was probably annoying but I don't remember it that way now. haha!) 

If you are a teacher, I hope you'll follow me on over to the new blog.  I'll be sharing all of my classroom and freebie teacher stuff there from now on.  I made a little icon that links to the new blog, you can find it on my sidebar if you'd like a copy to share. And let me know if you have a teacher blog too!  I'll add you to my growing list to follow!

No worries for you vintage and fashion sewing bloggers here on Quality Time though! I still plan to blog just as much here as ever!

ps...I'll be back later with yellow Violet blouse goodness!

Friday, September 09, 2011

shoes, glorious shoes

I think the words to that song are somewhat altered.

Meanwhile...I have these shoes in various carts around the internets because I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM.  Alas, I'm on the IT'S A HUNDRED DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS shoe fast.  So sad.

Especially when you see these...

Miz Mooz

Poetic License
All Black
And these are a little different but I've been yearning for some "penny loafers" for a couple of months.  Lo and behold, now I'm starting to see them popping up all over the net!  Naturalizer has what I think are just about the perfect pair:

Mind you, I need no shoes.  
I just want.  Sigh.