Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Simplicity Patterns: Finding the mojo.

I ran across a cute blog before Christmas called Idle Fancy.  Her archives are worth a look, she's a cutie!  And I love her Simplicity 2591, the post I linked up there.

Unfortunately Simplicity 2591 is OOP.

Fortunately, still has some in stock!  Of course an order of one pattern means I need an order of a few patterns.  To justify shipping, you know.  I wanted Simplicity 2591 because of it's multi-cup sizing, and because every single version online that I've seen is adorable and flattering.  Such a cute little dress!  Perfect for spring and summer, but maybe with sleeves and tights and a cardi...?  Winterish too?

I also got Simplicity 4173, a vintagey sundress and peasant top/skirt combo.  I have seen some 1950s vintage patterns that are similar.

Simplicity 2367, a selection of pants and skirts (and those shorts are adorable!  Although probably too young for me.  Ummm in the same vein as playsuits, I probably won't care!)

Then there's this Cynthia Rowley, Simplicity 2361, that I meant to buy back when it wasn't OOP.  And then I went on my pattern fast that shockingly never ended.  (I haven't bought patterns in months and months!)  Also a summery dress.  Hmmm.  Is there a theme here?

Ok, whew.  ONE is seasonal appropriate.  Simplicity 1941, the Amazing Fit blouse. I don't think this one is OOP.
 Part of my neverending quest to find the Holy Grail of Blouse Patterns.  You know the one where angels sing and the heavens open up and shine down perfect bustlines and photos that look Photoshopped but are totally not?

Actually I have no idea if any of these besides 2591 are OOP.  In my head they all are but the blouse.  Which probably means I made that up.  In the vast, carnivorous, fiction spewing recess called Mah Brain.

Sadly, I can't work on any of these. They haven't arrived yet.  They've been sitting at a FedEx in Lenexa, KS since December 24.  Come on, FedEx!  Did you take this week off to recuperate or what?

I bet business really hate that pesky tracking number we can all check and obsess over.

I hope your holidays were spectacular!  Mine were!  Got loads of good stuff like pj's and bracelets and snuggly baby kisses and The Help (which I'm getting ready to watch right this minute while wearing said pj's and fuzzy socks.)

Snuggly Baby Goodness

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas is comin'

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!

Although I didn't plan to, I think I'll take a little holiday from posting over the next few days.  This time of year just flies by faster and faster and I barely feel like I've begun to get into the spirit yet (and now it's almost here!).  I've got baking and wrapping and holiday movie-watching and cookie eating and hot chocolate making and...

you get the picture.

My warmest Christmas wishes for all of you.

7And she brought forth her firstborn son, 
and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, 
and laid him in a manger; 
because there was no room for them in the inn.
 8And there were in the same country 
shepherds abiding in the field, 
keeping watch over their flock by night.
 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord 
came upon them, and the glory of the Lord
shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
 10And the angel said unto them,
Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people.
 11For unto you is born this day
in the city of David a Saviour, 
which is Christ the Lord.
 12And this shall be a sign unto you; 
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, 
lying in a manger.
 13And suddenly there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host
praising God, and saying,
 14Glory to God in the highest, 

and on earth peace, good will toward men. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Polyvore Potions

Polyvore play time!

It's Christmas Time

Party Girl


Winter Sea


Business Lunch


And now, I'm finally off for Christmas break. Woohoo!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

1937 Friendship Quilt

I won an ebay auction a couple of weeks ago, for a friendship quilt dated New Year's, 1937.  The date is pretty precise, because the quilt was signed with embroidered sentiments and signatures.

I love everything about this quilt.  I love the colors, the feedsack fabrics, the simple patchwork.  But it's the variety of embroidered signatures, names and places that makes me very happy.  What a sweet memento.  I'm sad that no family wanted to keep this treasure, but happy that I can spruce it up and set it out for a whole new family & generation to enjoy.

It does need some repairs, but most of that is handstitching several unsewn seams, not repairing holes.  Simple handwork while I'm watching Christmas movies on my holiday break!  It has been stored in a cedar chest and is really pretty pristine for its age.  I'm hoping a soak in the tub and careful drying (after it's repaired) and it will be ready to hang over a nice quilt rack.  Which I don't have yet.  Something to add to my flea market list!

In other's the boy's birthday today.  My handsome boy is 17.  How time flies...

Happy birthday to my 'little' comedian (he's about 6'3, so not so little anymore).

You can see the unwrapping of the gift involved lots of fur help.  Last night I laughed so hard at something he did (unintentional slapstick), I honestly thought I was going to wet myself.  My side ached for a good hour.

Love you G.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Once Upon a Time: Apartment Envy - Episode 7

With the *sob* Graham story crushing my heart and soul, I didn't have room in the last OUAT post to share MM's apartment.  Or outfit.

(Oh yeah. You know it's bad if I can't even talk vintage housewares and dirndl skirts).

So in Episode 7 we got another brief, brief peek about Mary Margaret's apartment.  Mostly little touches that help fill in the blanks.

First up... just your average, ordinary ironing board. Right?  Plain little wall and window.  Except... what's that in the lower right hand corner but... a vintage sewing machine?  Yes?

New angle!  I think we've seen all four corners of MM's open plan apartment now.  LOVE the wardrobe and what are those on top?  Mailboxes? We also scored another bedroom peek in this ep. Check out the trunk at the foot of her bed.  Yellow!

Dining table also appears yellow, at least in this shot.  I don't know if I saw that before?  Love the embroidered dresser scarf on the table. The blue deer planter back on the side table kills me every time.

Next to MM's elbow... a vintage 6-arm swinging dishtowel rack. Want.

Crocheted potholder in jadeite and red!

This is a good time to point out MM's cute outfit too.  Darling, simple white top with allover doilies.  I've seen this top somewhere (anthro?  Leifsdottr?) but it's been a while.  Cute.  Easy to replicate.  She wore it with a swishy dirndl skirt and skinny brown belt.

Still crushed though.  Stupid show with the enviable apartment and wardrobe that beckons me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Very Disco Christmas

Why yes, I did just steal your heads and put them in a Jib Jab Disco Christmas Video.


**takes a minute to load...SO worth it**

(you can also watch HERE)

(The rest of you are safe ONLY because I haven't found a head shot.  Yet.  I'm talking to you and you and you and you.)

wednesday wisdom

(a season-appropriate mantra.  hehe.)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Once Upon A Time: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Read at your own risk: spoilers abound!  This is the one that hooked me but good.  Damn them.

The "Hunter"in the title is our adorable Sheriff Graham.

Sheriff Graham, about whom I waxed poetic just a few days ago. Frankly, my poetic waxing has never fared well for a show. Or a character.

I should learn to keep my mouth shut.

Here's the recap (with tiny bits of apartment news and a cute outfit coming in a later post). To get things off to a rockin' start, Graham, in a fit of pique, slams a good one on Emma.

Who soundly rejects him (yea, like she's such a puritan).  Graham hardly notices because Emma's sweet, sweet lips have caused a mental flash flood of memories of his "real" existence in fairytale land. 

With Emma stalking down the street in the opposite direction, Graham decides to test this kissing flashy thing out on the mayor to see what he can see.

Try the cold, dark depths of her soulless heart.

We do get a peek at the Evil Queen's palace.  I knew it.  She's Romulan. 

 Her Evil Barbie Dream Palace does include a fabulous Evil Barbie wardrobe though.

  Gina Lollobrigida? Is that you?

 Hey you know what else is cool about being a powerful--yet evil, man-pet keeping--witch?  Er, queen?

You wake up in the dead of night with your pet, I mean, paramour, and your face is toast.

But wait!  He flits his gaze for one second to his escape pants so far, far away on the floor and BAM.

Booyah! My face is purrrrfect.

So what was our boy toy remembering about his other life?  Well, Snow for one thing.  Graham is, as I've suspected all along, the Huntsman.  Dispatched by the Queen to kill the fair Snow White.

Except he can't do it.  But he looks good in queen's knight black leather in spite of his henchman failures.

Back at casa mayoral, he confirms his identity with Henry, who tells him a story. 

And also... he looks really, and I mean really, good in all-over black leather. 

In case you missed that part. (But that creepy Medusa mirror squicks me out.  Black leather. Black leather. Black leather.)

We do learn a really creepy pet project of the Queens.  Collecting hearts.  To crush to bits.  Or for a light snack.

And anytime Mr. Gold shows up in an apron with a shovel is obviously Not. A. Good. Day. (or it's just your average, every day polar bear in paradise. Take your pick.) 

Graham's memories include his wolf family (who raised him, as the Huntsman) and he begins following a wolf in Storybrook, convinced the wolf will lead him to his heart. (last seen above, clutched in the Queen's claws). 

Emma helps. Mostly because she's convinced he's off his nut, but also because he's pretty.

The mayor is not happy. 

Girl punches are thrown.  It was a bit awesome.  Graham dumps Evil Mayoress, completely and totally.  Irrevocably.  

And then we get my favorite reveal. 


And then we get sweet, sweet moments of charming Irish goodness like this:

 And this:

And yes. This.

You know she's going to do it.  You pray she doesn't, and you hide your eyes.  You note that the dried blood on her chin matches her lipstick.   No detail too small for our Regina.

 And he remembers.  Everything.  Now you know.

Then.... a squeeze and...

We're all ... crushed.


Repeat after me.  

True love's kiss.