Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goodbye, January.

Gee, I hardly knew you.

Gratuitous vintage pattern goodness...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Ep. 8-9-10

It's been a few weeks since I last caught us up on Mary Margaret's apartment and wardrobe (ha).  Last we left off, poor Graham had been killed by heart-crushing at the hands of the dastardly Mayor Regina (the Evil Queen).

Graham, we still miss ye.

Episode 8 picks up with Emma trying to win Graham's recently vacated sheriff's position.  There was mention of an autopsy (sob!) and I think autopsy trumps True Love's Kiss.  $#!@.  There was very little MM in this episode save this cute scene with an equally cute hat:

The girl has more hats, coats and scarves than the rest of the town combined.  Poor Emma is still wearing that red leather jacket.  Although it's probably symbolic and I just haven't figured it out yet.

And there was one really clear shot of the kitchen that shows her pretty pots on the top of the cabinet. Love the frosted glass on the cabinet door to the right too:

(Oh, and Emma becomes sheriff.  We also got Rumplestilstkin's surprisingly sympathetic backstory.)

Moving on to episode 9...this was Hansel and Gretel, very well played by the two young actors in the parts. But the real news?  We got inside MM's bedroom! (I was probably as excited as David would be, although obviously for different reasons).

I love that wrought iron bed.  Alot.  The mismatched pillows are sweet, and I love the mug with an "M" (I think that's an anthropologie mug).

Of course Mary Margaret has an old chenille bedspread (so do I, although mine is the reverse colorway, jadite green with white and pink chenille):

Look really close at the photo below...see that mirror on the far wall?  Look at what's on the wall we never see...a vintage train case!  In YELLOW. 

One full shot of the kitchen area...it's nice to see the entire set to get some perspective.

Guess what else we got a decent shot of?  The sewing machine!

And some really ugly pants. Sorry MM, these were a *miss*.  But the top is pretty:

What's odd is in the shot below, the sewing machine has been flipped around, so now the flywheel is showing, not the decorative faceplate.  Same scene.  I do like the stainless dish drain.

And the grey-blue stencil mugs (also anthro?)  Can you still buy milk in a glass jar?  Milk must taste better if it comes out of a pretty glass jar, am I right?

Which brings us to episode 10, "7:15".  It was more Snow and Charming backstory and it was awesome.  I might have squealed a little at this:

(I have to admit I chuckled that the eighth drawf was named "Stealthy".  May he rest in peace.)

So this episode was filled with story both in Storybrooke and Fairytale Land.  Much of it straight out of a Harlequin romance novel.  We had MM falling off a cliff, surely to her death...

Only to be rescued in the nick of time by David, who said he couldn't let her go off on her own.

We had lots of tight head shots of lovely Snow/MM...

And Charming/David:

(The above during the ubiquitous Harlequin "OMG it's going to thunderstorm we must take cover in a super conveniently located abandoned cabin with plenty of dry firewood so we can build a fire and get you out of those wet things" moment.)

We had two or three of these that never came to fruition:

Thankfully we had something I've personally been waiting for, a bit of Red backstory.  How awesome that she's friends with Snow!

We had one fabulous sweater:

And one mysterious and handsome newcomer. With a typewriter.

Emma's puzzled.  Who is he in the book?  You just know that's what she's thinking.  That's what everybody's thinking.  (A Grimm?  Doesn't he know he's on the wrong network?)

And despite their denials and best intentions, one (tv) hour of missteps and almosts was finally enough to push them over the edge, and we hit paydirt.

Bout time.

(Madame Mayor was not amused.)

(and...There was a heartbreaking twist in Fairytale Land for Snow and Charming that I can't wait to see play out. I love how these are multi-dimensional stories.  You have to pay attention! )

New Once Upon a Time tonight!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog Love: nanacompany

I've LONG been a huge fan of Amy's Flickr!  (and she has a Pinterest too!) In fact, several years ago when I first started following her and my Lu was still a sweet little girl who played with dolls, I made some felt foodstuffs inspired by Amy's adorable creations.

And now she blogs!  She recently finished a reproduction of a vintage quilt that is just gorgeous:

nanacompany:finished quilt
A few months ago she did an wonderful tutorial for this needlebook, that has been on my "to-do list" ever since:

nanacompany: tutorial
Go visit and oooh and ahhh over all the wonderful things she makes.  I do.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Vintage Kitchen

As part of my Vintage Kitchen Spruce Up of 2012 (didn't I mention that? No?) I've been scooping up vintage kitchen pretties over the past couple of months.  The light was pretty today so I snapped a few shots to share.

I couldn't pick a favorite, but that little green bird is the sweetest.  It's a lone single from a salt and pepper shaker set, c. 1950.  The hen & nest is very small, only about 3.5 inches tall.

The full set of Tripp milkglass shakers (with original red metal stand!) was a find (and a steal) on etsy a month ago.  I was positively giddy (that bright turquoise in the corner was holding sweet peas for my lunch, it's a vintage Pyrex refrigerator dish).

Of course, I couldn't resist the Japanese kokeshi salt & pepper shakers when I saw them.  I love their little faces and bright colors.

My kitchen is settling into a jadeite and red colorway that I didn't expect or plan.  In fact, I was sure it was going to be yellow, turquoise/blue and red.  I'm actually considering painting my kitchen a soft jadeite color (and my cabinets bright white) as soon as it warms up this spring.

This kitchen (from my Pinterest board) is darling:

Of course Pinterest is an endless source of inspiration for all things!

Friday, January 20, 2012


A lot of people think the blues is depressing
but that’s not the blues I’m singing. 
When I’m singing blues, I’m singing life. 
People that can’t stand to listen to the blues,
they’ve got to be phonies.
                                           --Etta James

Singing with the angels now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

the week in review...

Well... First I watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey.  How have I been missing this all this time??  PEOPLE.  You're supposed to CLUE ME IN.

I love Mary.  I loved to hate her at first...then I got to know her better and now she's my favorite.  I can't wait to see Season 2!  More on their fabulous fashions after I've had a chance to collect images of my faves.

Then I watched some Project Runway All Stars.





Yup, I broke my PR abstinence because so many of my favorites are there... Mondo, Michael, Sweet P, Kenley, Austin, Jerrell.  You know, I always loved April before, but I dislike her immensely in the 2 episodes of this All Star season.

Then I rewatched this season's episodes of Fringe because...  Peter and the gang return tonight!

Oh dear, how I've missed you.

It's the weekend!  I hope to do something productive this weekend.  Including working on a dress I've had in my head for a while, maybe one of these:
Butterick 5600
Butterick 5598

I've also been wanting to make some jewelry.  And I haven't written on my novel-in-progress in a few weeks.  The characters are starting to have conversations in my head throughout the day, which usually means they need to be taken for a spin.

That all sounds pretty ambitious though, so we'll see.  I'll be sure and keep you posted!

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Shoespiration: Made in USA

Think you can't buy cute shoes that are Made in the USA? Not true! Sure, it's different and you have to search them out, but there are still companies in the US (and our friends to the north) that make beautiful, high-quality shoes.

First up: Munro American, est. 1972




I love this next company, they have the funkiest, cutest boots!

Vintage Shoe Company, est. 1883

Molly Jump Boot


Jennifer Tanker


Sbicca of California, est. 1920  Mostly summery fun shoes, but some boots and clogs too!





 Lucchese Boot Company, est. 1883 and Tony Lama, est. 1911 For the cowgirl in all of us.

Lucchese N8665

Lucchese N8995

Tony Lama Vaquero Collection

Other companies manufacturing women's shoes in the US include Onex, Okabashi, Vivanz, and others.  The one area that I see lacking in women's shoes is dressy heels and pumps.  There are still many designers manufacturing in Italy too, such as Fratelli Rosetti, who has styles on Zappos that I love.

And I'm in love with these La Canadienne boots, made in Montreal: 



I believe Remix Vintage shoes are made in Spain, although their website is very hard to navigate.  I'm just not 100% sure about every style...






Do you have any favorite American-made or quality import shoe stories to share? I'm always on the lookout for an alternative to outsourced manufacturing.  Are these choices more expensive?  Yes.  I think it's worth it though!