Friday, February 22, 2013

Sometimes Nice Things Happen.

Most of the time if you're me they don't. But then that one time...

BAM. Nice thing.

Today I got my acceptance letter for a master's program I applied to back in the fall. It's a conservation-based program that works in partnership with ecological organizations and Miami University and is called Project Dragonfly.

You know what this means?

I'm going to Belize this summer for 10 days!  WHAT?!!

I'm super excited...I wonder what a fashionable eco-conservationlist-grad student wears while studying in the tropics??

Hmmmmm... I feel a Burda Style magazine-a-palooza comin on!

happy weekend, everyone!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Update: Los Angeles Needlework Website Suspended

This is the power of the sewing and craft  blogging community, folks. 

Eat THAT, "Dixie at Los Angeles Needlework".

Thank you all again, for reporting the theft of my and many other bloggers' patterns and tutorials. 

And thanks to the domain and hosting sites who so generously and quickly 
worked with me this afternoon to investigate. 

Everyone rocks and is special 5-ever. 


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Counterfeit Dresden Petal Handbag Pattern: Los Angeles Needlework

Thank you to the lovely blog reader Kathy, who let me know that the losangelesneedlework dot com (not feeding their traffic with a  link!) was SELLING my Dresden Petal's handbag pattern.

damn straight I'm a 5-star author. I'm also FREE.

WOW. If you're a blogger who shares patterns and tutorials on your blog or website for free, you might go have a look. I recognized a few others' work while I was there for the five minutes it took me to submit a CEASE AND DESIST notice on them.

Son of a gun. People are scumbags.  They even added the absolute WORST font choice ever on top of my images. (I teach graphic design. Don't screw around with me on font choice. It ticks me off.)

**UPDATE** A little sleuthing on whois led me to this domain company (as the domain contact for LA Needlework):

Please click on that link and choose "File a Claim". There is a place to report any of their websites that host copyrighted or trademark-infringing materials.  Thanks guys for reporting! I'm feeling pretty blessed at all of you who have emailed to let me know my pattern was up, even 24 hours after this post, I'm still getting emails from concerned bloggers and I appreciate all of you!

**UPDATE #2** I have heard from Domains by Proxy and they provided additional contact for the hosting provider for Los Angeles Needleworks. Here is that contact info. Feel free to flood their email with complaints.  (Note that this info is also publicly available under the website as well. Just giving you folks another contact point.)

Hosting Provider:
Nerdie Networks LLC
3941 E Chandler Blvd, #106-211
Phoenix AZ 85048

Now let's shut this !@#$% down.  (As of 4  p.m. 2/18, my content is still on their site and available for purchase. Grrr.  I have heard from at least one other blogger who has had her content removed.)

Meanwhile, if you'd like to access the Dresden Petal Handbag Pattern for FREE...

Just click to your little hearts content right here.

Friday, February 01, 2013

It's 30 degrees.

And all I want to think about is WARMMM...


Come on, Summer!!