Monday, June 09, 2008

Dress Envy

I spent the past 10 minutes scouring the internet for a picture of Cindy McCain's dress (worn today while visiting a Virginia coffee shop with her husband.) I caught a glimpse of it on the evening news and just HAD to have a closer peek! Look at those cute pleats at the neckline & waistline...and the neck treatment itself is wonderful!

I'm thinking a modification of this BWOF 09-2007-117 would work:
and this top from BWOF 02-08-101 has a similar neck treatment:
And that's about it as far as sewing goes around here the past week!! This is my last week of school (just 2 more days!) so hopefully things will slow down enough I'll have some ME time with the Bernina by Wednesday!

What's everyone else been sewing??


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    wow, her dress is fab, I made that bwof dress, haven't worn it as yet but its like my favorite eye candy in my closet

  2. That dress is HOT!

  3. That is a great dress, thanks for finding a picture to post.

  4. No fair. I have two and a half weeks left in the classroom. However, I'm excited you'll have time to make that dress. I can't wait to see how your version turns out.

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I think that dress is fab. I too saw it on the news. How come when I look at it, I see how cute and tiny she is and - opps tangent coming in. Email me if you care to hear it. Sorry - love the dress and can't wait to see how you knock it off! g

  6. ack!!!! I love it. I'm going to have to check out that pattern.

  7. Yes, very stylish, I like this dress too!

  8. Those are exactly the patterns I thought of, too, when I saw the dress. Looks like youre off to a great start with your summer sewing already.

  9. have you been following this discussion on PR? "Escada knock-off" There might be some information that his helpful



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