Thursday, September 04, 2008

Mini-Wardrobe Motivator Extraordinare

For all those who didn't finish, and those who never started (stop pointing), there is now a thread on PR for motor-vation & support!

Let's get busy & finish those wardrobes! (or, you know, start em.)

Still working on the same storyboard:

and I'll probably be working on the pants this weekend. I need pants. Vogue 1035 in darkwash denim:

And I'm really thinking about making a grown-up version of these for myself:

I may start on those tonight. I bought a pair of jeans a couple weeks ago that were too short. Perfect opportunity to crop them off and make some pretty. (tutorial for these is in the Tutesville section on the right.)

And a blast from my recent past...a fellow PR-er was kind enough to send me the photos of my red duct tape pantsform project from January '06. I had lost the original photos, so my review didn't have images any longer. Which, if I do say so myself, are classic.

That my friends is my bum in all its glory. The bum double died a sad death a year ago, and needs to be remade. Although, it takes a certain frame of mind to tape up your netherparts. If you'd like more info (and who wouldn't??) you can read the review/tutorial HERE.



  1. You're "bummer double" is hilarious. I just made a torso one out of . . . . wait for it . . . red duct tape too.

  2. Tee hee hee. Love that you shared this with us.

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Sweetie if my backside looked that good in duct tape I'd make it red too! Can't wait to see you new denim slacks and what you do with the jeans. Hope school isn't sucking the life out of you already. g

  4. Don't waste any time... get those darkwash denim trousers done! I have a pair (from the Gap), and love them for work! Go sew right now!!! (How's that for motivation?)


I love hearing from you, and thank you in advance for reading and commenting! &