Sunday, November 02, 2008

BWOF 03-2008-107

Firstly, thank you all for the sweet comments on Lu's costume! She really is a doll, inside & out!

I started a new project yesterday, and after my last few attempts at projects for me have gone southward (i.e. into the UFO pile) I needed something easy. I chose this kimono sweater from the March 2008 issue of BWOF:

This pattern has only 2 pieces, front & back. It's perfect for instant gratification because it looks nice, has zero fit issues, and is super fast to sew (unless you chose a ravelly sweater knit like me. But still near instant gratification.)

Here's the finished product, if you swear to ignore my bed head. Man I love Daylight Savings! (in October, anyway)

I cut the 46, my usual BWOF size and it was plenty roomy, but this style is so forgiving. I didn't do any sort of FBA, or any other alterations. I should have added an inch in length to the fronts and eased that in at the side seams for a sort of mock FBA, but even without it the top is fine, just a smidge short in front. (and for the next one I will do the additional inch)

I did add 1/2" seam allowances to all of the pieces because my sweater knit was very "run-prone". I had to turn under all the seam allowances & topstitch, which looks pretty cool both inside & out, AND solves the run issue. Below is an inside seam, and the neckline.

I missed turning under just a tiny bit here and there. Whoops. Of course I would get a pic of that. The pattern calls for you to bind the neckline, but my knit was SO stretchy I was afraid of attempting it. So instead I fused 3/8" strips of tricot interfacing to the neckline edges (including the crossover) and then turned under twice & topstitched. Looks nice & it didn't stretch out a bit.

Pretty sweater knit, no? It was $1/yard!!! Nanner nanner.

Speaking of tricot interfacing strips, BWOF and Ottobre and a few other indie patterns will call for fusible knit bias tape which I've purchased online before. It's very cool, on a roll and comes in straight grain, bias and in black and white. It stabilizes the edges especially in knits, necklines, wrap tops, etc. In a pinch though, I just cut my own from tricot interfacing scraps. I have a ziplock baggie of them by the machine. These small pieces are actually alot easier to work with than the roll.

I had issues with the hem, mostly stemming from the fact that it was going to be too short in front if I turned up my 1" hem allowance. So I took a page from Amanda's playbook and added a self-fabric hem band. Except that I didn't like it until I turned the band up and hemmed THAT. Problem solved....except that the hem is now a tad stretched out.

But it's only noticeable if you stand a certain way, and mostly not at all. Out of the 20 pics I snapped trying to get a decent one, in focus, with me NOT looking all scary and stuff, the pic above is the ONLY one to show the wavy hem. Below is more how it looks most of the time:

Which I can live with. Plus, I really think alot of it will steam out. I might toss it in the dryer with a damp hand towel a little later and see if I can get any shrinkage there too.

Now I might work on the 10/2008 BWOF top I started & had to stop before I turned into a slasher. Or not. So many less stressful projects are calling my name! I really need a slim fitting turtleneck to wear under this new kimono, for example. And I have the perfect aqua knit (and black for that matter) to make one...Hmmm.


  1. its a great sweater knit indeed, looks very comfy

  2. Cute! It looks really comfortable. After the halloween costume, I definetly want an easy project, so this one is one to think about. :):):) Have a great weekend!

  3. Super cute! You've inspired me to make something in a sweater knit. :)

  4. I really like that. I want to knock off a CAbi sweater that is sort of like that. It doesn't have the cross-top but the shape is very similar. Thanks for reminding me of that pattern. Your version is super cute. I love sweater knit.

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    that turned out great. Hope you are working on those slim turtlenecks. g

  6. Your sweater looks good! Don't sweat the small stuff. I think most people won't notice the sewing mistakes we make!

  7. This looks great! Love the knit and the insides look awesome, too!

  8. Looks so cute and comfy!

  9. Cute, comfy, and quick! Your top looks great on you.

  10. I know I'm late to the party but that is a great top! You are making me look at that pattern again with different eyes!


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