Sunday, December 07, 2008


My To-Do list is getting longer by the minute!! How's yours?? I haven't had a spare second to work on my Threads top OR my BWOF sewalong, and Friday found me down with an ear infection again. (That's my 2nd this fall and my 3rd in my LIFE. Isn't that weird?)

Anywho...I did stitch out this cute Urban Threads bad bunny tee for Lu:

Isn't he a cutie?? Of course as the nature of my life goes (I never win Karma's toss, no matter what you've heard elsewhere) while trimming the stabilizer from behind the design, I cut a teeny hole in the tee. This was more than a little frustrating since it was washaway stabilizer to begin with, I was just trying to save the scraps. Argh.

Here's the whole tee, a $3 clearance short sleeve from WallyWorld! I darned the tiny hole & added some festive little bows to hide it.

Back to the list...I have this cute book from Tone Finnanger:

And it has the CUTEST little boots and ice skate ornaments in it. It has several cute projects, but the boots & skates are on my list for today.

I also want to try this little pattern from All People Quilt. They have a quarterly challenge, and this was the 3rd quarter challenge. Go HERE for the pattern (scroll down a bit.)

I love this bag pattern from the Oh Frannson! blog. It's called the Margaret Sling Bag. It's a free download HERE.

I don't have a recipient in mind for the Margaret sling but I thought I'd share it in case one of you need a quick, snappy project for someone on your list! I'll definitely be trying it out after Christmas though.

I also want to make some little travel tissue covers. Something along the lines of this from (I have this fabric! My stash is bottomless. LOL!) but more patchwork-y.

I'm sure there are a dozen and one tutes on this out there, but I'll probably be winging it, so I'll be sure & share the pattern I come up with!

I'd like to try my hand at scrappy patchwork belts too...Lord knows I have plenty of scraps and I'm pretty sure I've got a ultra cool belt buckle or two lying around. I'll photog the process if I get to those this week.

More to-do's...An art portfolio from the current issue of Quilting Arts Gifts (GREAT special magazine!!) & a Jonas Bros. themed messenger bag for Lu (Meg of Boutique Nutmeg totally gets credit for the idea, she has a spectactular one in her Flickr stream), personalized pillowcases for both kiddo's, finish my mom's table runner...whew. I'll never get through all that today! But isn't trying half the fun??


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I'm trying to get a bowling type shirt for the hubby done, but I can't find the pattern. I know I bought it - but where did I put it? Can you come clean up my studio please?

    Can't wait to see what you get done. g

  2. LOL Gaylen! I've been cleaning house all day and haven't gotten much sewing done because of it. but I sure will like coming home to a clean house tomorrow!

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    beware of the ear thing! remember what happened to me!!! ask for ear-friendly antibiotics...

  4. What kind of embroidery machine do you own? I always drool over all your cute creations with it.

  5. I love the bunny! He's so cute! It looks great!

    Shannon F

  6. That is such a CUTE top! And thanks for the Margaret Sling bag download link. I'm always on the lookout for cute patterns for my Beginner Sewing class.

  7. Oh I love the T shirt!!!
    And thanks for the download links!!
    I'm curious to see the patchwork belt.. sounds cool!

  8. Very cute little shirt. Isn't nice to have those kind of mistakes to stretch our creativity! :)

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I found the pattern I really wanted to use - I had put it away with the rest of the patterns! I went ahead and used the one I'd already traced. :) g

  10. I love Urban Threads's designs. This is adorable.


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