Saturday, January 24, 2009


You know the problem (that isn't much of a problem) with BWOF? It comes every month, and I totally forget about great issues! There are just so many good ones, and even the not so good ones have at least one amazing thing I want to make.

One of last year's that I really enjoyed but forgot about was the February 08 issue. This is a great dress:

I absolutely forgot about it until Rachel reviewed it last night. Dang, that is one hot dress! (Rachel is new to blogging, but makes really great clothes, so go over and say hi! ) I have been holding onto a giraffe print knit from Gorgeous Fabrics for over a year because I couldn't decide on a suitable project. I think this dress might be it!

While I was flipping through 2/08 I also "remembered" I wanted to make this top:And this spring coat is just fabulous.I wanted to make this little dress for my Lu, I LOVE the big ruffle at the hem. I'm sad the style is too young for me (sniff.)
Luckily BWOF anticipated my sniffles and gave me a grown up spring dress to compensate. Very pretty...although where in the world would I wear it? Although prom is coming up (you know, in 4 months. :D )

What are your favorites from past BWOF's that got away from you?

The very talented and very generous Melissa gave me the Kreativ Blogger award this week! I love blog buttons, and this one is so cute!

Now it's my turn to give it away! The rules are simple, link to the blogger who nominated you, then nominate 7 creative bloggers & let them know they can pick up the cute little button for their site! I read SO many creative blogs out there. But here are 7 of my faves, old & new...

*Shannon of Frogs in a Bucket
*Meg of Boutique Nutmeg
*Laurraine at Patchwork Pottery
*Nettie at A Quilt is Nice
*Heather at Bluhm Studios
*Kristine at Just Keep Sewing
*Lory at the Diary of L (who needs to get her butt back to blogging pronto!!)

I didn't put any effort into seeing if any of these charming, talented bloggers have already been nominated. So if you get it twice, you're just twice as special! And thank you Melissa!

Off to do Saturday things...


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Those are some very cute clothes. I especially like the coat. As for the dress that's too "young" for you. Why not change it up with either a flounce or a pleat. Grow it up and wear it yourself. I'm guessing it's only the "ruffle" that makes it too young. g

  2. All those garments are on my "must sew" list...I forget too when I get a new issue...I get blinded by great new styles! Mary

  3. Thank you so much for the shoutout. That coat with the smocked waist is on my todo list also. I think the Feb 2008 BWOF is one of the best ones.

  4. Oh, my I forgot those too. Thanks for reminding me, now my list is longer!

  5. Wow cute clothes!
    I am always flicking through back issues of Burda and dreaming of all the fabulous things I could make!

  6. Yes, I agree... to many great patterns, and not enough time (before the next issue comes)! I know I'll continue my subscription when it ends, even though I have too many patterns already! Yes, I too will be chaperone prom... I'm thinking vintage...
    Thanks for the blogger award, it's my first! You rock!

  7. Those are all great styles!

  8. Hey buddy:

    Lol, I got your email. You're right, I need to get my butt back into the swing of things. :)

    From your BWOF patterns I like the top, I know you'd look very pretty in it. :)

    Thanks for the award, I'm so happy. It's really cool. :):):):)


  9. I'm always finding forgotten BWOF patterns. Or ones that I didn't look twice at at first, but like now.

    And you're most welcome for the award, you deserve it! :-)

  10. Aww shucks, my first blogger award. You rock! I love all these tech drawings and I could just kick myself for not getting that issue!


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