Saturday, January 10, 2009

Simplicity 3893/Vogue 8151

When it rains it pours! I was on a roll last weekend. This week the only sewing going on around here was in my head. I couldn't even convince myself I needed to snap pics of these two finished products to share and review!

I ran outside this afternoon before I lost the sun, just for you. (because I lub you all so much) That doesn't mean I got all fixed up with hair & face & Oh snap! shoes.

No, just yoga pants and fuscia fuzzy slippers. (in other words, headless shots ahead. no pun intended, hehe.)

First, Simplicity 3893. I've made this before (as I said last week.) I only wore that top once. Good news about this one, I've already worn it once! The fabric is a poly georgette. It gave me fits hemming, so Shannon had a brilliant idea and suggested roll hemming it. That welcomed piece of advice saved this one from the UFO pile! (Thanks Shannon!)

I also left off the elastic at the bodice seam. Actually I put it in, hated it, so picked it out. Then I felt like it still needed "something" at that seam, it was a little too "meh". So I stitched a black satin ribbon over the seamline. I like how it looks, but it does restrict movement in that area just a bit. You can't have it all, folks.

('s 29 degrees right now, thus the 3 shirts in the shot above! White tank, black turtleneck, georgette top. I didn't realize the turtleneck wasn't pulled down over the white tank. Doh. It was too cold to run back outside for retakes.)

Next, Vogue 8151, a TREASURE of a pattern!! I love this one. It went together so fast & smooth, and the fit was wonderful. I think I made size E out of the DEF range. No FBA needed (woot!) The pattern has a dart, but I trimmed the excess dart point away & gathered this area instead. I'm not sure I would like a dart in a tee, but I might try it in the next one.

The only flaw in the finished top is my mismatched stripes on the neckband. I just didn't have enough of this stash knit to do something creative. No one but another seamstress will probably notice, so I will still definitely wear this! I haven't added the ruching to the side seams because I think I'm going to hem it a bit shorter. It hits me just a tad longer than I like. (I'm really short-waisted, so shortening tops from the midriff-hem is normal for me.)

And that's about it for me in the sewing arena! Today I bought 10 patterns on sale for 99 c, thus completely failing New Years Resolution #3 by 8 patterns. This, cracks me up. I'm not at all remorseful so I think I might be beyond hope in regards to stashing patterns (and resolutions).


  1. Great tops! I would never have noticed the three shirts in the first picture if you hadn't pointed it out.

  2. Both of these look great! The white dot top is so feminine- kinda romantic- and very pretty on you. I love the knit top, too. It looks great on you and no one will notice the stripes.

    Shannon F

  3. Hey, what can I say? I'm a genius! :)

    Both of your tops look super fabu - thanks for braving the cold to show them to us!

  4. The last part about breaking your resolve about buying patterns? Cracks me up. Yes, you are without hope.

  5. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I love the tops they are great. Good job. I also agree that nobody would notice the stripes until you point them out.

    As for shopping, I really wanted to hit some of those pattern sales, but I managed to resist. Glad you got some. g


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