Thursday, May 21, 2009

Simplicity 3745

Well this has been on the backburner for a LONG while! This is Simplicity 3745:

Remember back a few months ago when I posted the bodice section?

I was disgusted with my topstitching so I threw the whole thing into the UFO pile. It's been staring at me ever since. Just to refresh where I was on this pattern...I used a rayon challis I've had in stash forEVER (Shannon has the mint colorway in this!) and added contrast bands using a lightweight Asian cotton print. I cut a straight 18 and added a bit extra at the side seams of the bodice piece rather than do an FBA. I also omitted the zipper so that this was a pull-on style (hey, it's kimono sleeves with a full & flowy skirt. No zip required!)

When I was pinning the skirt onto the bodice last night, I realized (when I was on my 2nd to last pin) that I forgot to add the contrast band into this seam! Doh. So rather than unpin it all and stitch up the band/attach the band/repin...I omitted the band instead. Cheeky, I know.

After I got the dress stitched together & tried it on to check fit & length...I discovered that I loved the length of this dress AS IS. But I still had a whole section of the contrast cotton to add a 2-3" band at the bottom! I threw leg-phobia-caution to the wind and omitted that too!!

Here's the finished dress on me (at an odd angle, but the camera is on the porch swing!)

Here's the neckline a little closer up. It has a tiny bit of ripply stuff going on, but that's to be expected with this type of kimono fit in my experience. And it's not enough to fret over at all. It also has something to do with the slightly heavier band fabric, I'm pretty certain.

The print doesn't match up neatly at the bust seam, but you know... I don't even care. It's a crazy allover oval print, and with those pleats and the gathering, and the inverse scooped V at center way I was ever going to match it up.

Here's the hem...I just serged it. I might turn up a teeny tiny hem (scant 3/8") later. But only if I get brave and decide I'm not too old for leggings. Otherwise I'm going with the serged edge hem rather than make it any shorter.

And that's it! I have one more UFO I should finish up, but I have SO many things I want to make before I go on vacation, including a Collete pattern or two, and this J Stern Designs top:

I mean, seriously! How stinking cute is this?? Be sure to click for a larger view. The credit for this find totally goes to the also Stinking Cute Debbie Cook for turning me onto this pattern line. (You can see the whole line at J Stern Designs.) I'd also like to make about a bajillion BWOF knit tops for my hot, Arizona trip which is fast approaching.

Tonight I'm on my way to the G-man's 8th grade promotion program! Here's a little Marvin Gaye to see you off on this quite beautiful evening...


  1. Another gorgeous garment.
    I love it, it looks so pretty and fresh!
    I know what you mean about wanting to sew up so many things......just need more time....more energy :)

  2. This dress is gorgeous on you. Well done!

  3. You have been on a roll lately! You look adorable!

  4. Cute dress! This is one that could be made over and over--a good TNT tye dress.

  5. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Oh it turned out lovely and I think your legs look fine. You'll be so happy wearing that dress in Arizona! g

  6. Girl, you look GOOD! That dress is so sassy! I love the short length on you! Now I feel like I have to dig out my green fabric and make something!

  7. Ooh, love that J. Stern pattern, it is to die for! Ugh... last thing I need is more patterns!!!

  8. Beautiful dress, kudos. I nominated you for the attitude of gratitude award. :):):)


  9. I love this print and the contrast you used with it. Great dress!!

  10. I know that pattern well ;) ! I drafted a copycat for it. Great dress and don't hide the legs!

  11. Tanya1:10 AM

    please help me with the neck facing on this pattern.Ive ruined 3 yards of fabric trying to follow the directions about the neck facing and it just doesnt make any since the way its described?!.
    it says to fold over the facing,does not work.maybe you can make a video of this step and post it?or if you could, email me .Im desperate.Ived been on this thing for days now!
    If u could help I would be sooo happy

  12. Tanya, I tried emailing to the address you left, but its being returned as no such email address. Can you check it and get back to me? OR just email me at jemimabean at gmail dot com


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