Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sew What Skirts: Drawstring

Ok, I know. I've posted 3 (or is it 4?) days in a row...each time with a new project. Don't get used to it. I'm just having a moment.

Anywho...I made another skirt from the Sew What Skirts book. This time I made the "gathered" skirt version, except I added a drawstring. I did have to make some changes to my original draft of the pattern. First though, here's the cutie patootie finished skirt:

When I drafted the gathered version using the directions in the book, it was VERY a-line! And too big all around. So I removed quite a bit from the side seams, and also lessened the angle of the hem. I'm guessing it's because there's a big old difference between my waist and hips? I vaguely remember doing this for my a-line draft too when I originally made it.

Here's the skirt on me (sorry, its a headless day!) It's not a straight skirt like it appears here, (and it really was on straight too.)

See, it's a-line! (I just have worse posture in this one, ha!)

I added the drawstring using the elastic/drawstring combo method I learned several years ago in a New Look pattern. You make 2 buttonholes in the CF, and then do your casing as usual (but you don't leave an opening for threading the elastic through.) Make 2 tubes for your drawstring ties and stitch these to a length of elastic. I measure the elastic by stretching it across my back from one side to the other. It's not an exact science. ;)

Thread through your button holes, then stitch in the ditch through the elastic at the side seams to secure it and keep it from moving around.

I also added white linen pockets with a self fabric flap, turned back on the diagonal (these are featured on the tablecloth skirt in the SWS book). The button is just decorative.

Last thought...isn't this fabric cute too?? I know I keep saying that but I've had really great luck finding cool fabrics lately. This is from Hancock's and is SO 1970's retro it is just one step away from our old family room curtains.

And I love it.


  1. Great job on the skirt, all your changes look fantastic. I agree the retro fabric is super cute.

  2. JoanneM8:48 PM

    You are the Skirt Queen! Great skirts and summery fabric.

  3. I love your skirt. So cute. Especially the pockets!

  4. Tamara9:01 PM

    I love this skirt. I think you should make me one to match! Looks super comfy too.

  5. Cute skirt, love the fabric! And as for blogging a lot lately, I totally understand! (But love hearing new stuff from you on a daily basis!)

  6. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I love it! I need to head to Hancocks and pull out my skirt book! Great job--so cute.

  7. Love the fabric, love the fit. Super cute!!! Now stop it! You're making me look bad. :)

  8. I love this fabric! Your skirt turned out cute and I especially like the pocket white linen and turn down with the button. VERY cute!!

  9. This is a smart summer look. I love the idea of a drawstring waist because my weight fluctuates badly.

  10. Cute skirt. I like the pocket detail. Nice job.

  11. You're on fire lately - another great addition to the summer wardrobe!

  12. So cute and simple. I love those pockets. I was wondering if they were from the book or your own idea. I might have to put those on a skirt sometime.

  13. That fabric is gorgeous!!! I love the skirt.

  14. Love the cute prints and colours.I guess you're on a sewing spree....

  15. You look good in skirts so I'm glad you're making more. I hope you can wear these to work, when it's time to go back. The latest is adorable with that pretty vintage-esque fabric.

  16. Very pretty. :) It looks comfy to wear too. I like the pockets the most, it's a nice detail.

    I feel your pain about the whole hips/waist issue. I was attempting to whip up a straight skirt on Monday and it was a total bust.

  17. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Oh, I didn't get to see this until I popped in today. Its adorable - that's what it is. Love the cute cotton print. Can't wait to see what you make today :) g

  18. "Ok, I know. I've posted 3 (or is it 4?) days in a row...each time with a new project. Don't get used to it. I'm just having a moment."

    ROTFLOL! You have been very productive! And this skirt is sooooo cute!

  19. I know, having my moment also... Made some days 2 bags, dolls etc...
    love the skirt! Cute fabric really in for the summer!

  20. Ha ha, can you tell I'm catching up on your older blog posts? I love this skirt! And I've made elastic drawstrings before, but never was smart enough to sew them down... you must sew them stretched, right? Hmm.

    Anyway, love this and the "Weekend Sewing" blouse. I wish Joann had lightweight cottons... I need to get to the fabric district downtown.

    Okay, well! I'm off... I had fun reading up. That's the one nice thing about being bad at visiting blogs... you get to read through a bunch of fun stuff when you finally do catch up.

  21. Anonymous5:51 AM

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