Sunday, September 06, 2009

the "I have nothing to wear to church" skirt

Occasionally Lu still "lets" me sew for her.


Like when she got up this morning and hated all of her clothes and proceeded to eyeball a cute retro dot I had in my glass front cabinet. Sadly, I only had a 1/2 yard for a purse project that never materialized, and had already ripped said half yard into two 18 x 20" pieces.

Lucky for Lu, she's small. I didn't even alter the ripped rectangles, just seamed them on the sides, added a narrow elastic waist, and a narrow hem. (I really did pull off that hanging thread later.)

Yellow Cat: Are we still doing this?

Lu loves leggings and throws them on under everything. She wore black flats to church, not zebra flipflops. Oy.

Had to add one of my awesomely cute woven labels to the outside. **Edit for MaryBeth and anyone else who wonders about the labels. I have used Fancyweaver for a couple of years now for woven labels. They ship really fast (from Hong Kong), its very affordable (200 custom artwork, color, woven labels --not printed--for $60), and you can choose pretty much any Pantone color, any TrueType font and they will match it. Most woven label companies charge astronomical fees to do custom artwork, and most have huge minimums. He also carries sizing, content & care labels for a good price (and you can order custom font/color for those too!)

Matching fingernails? Bonus.


  1. Cute! Did you really whip that together this morning before church?!? Also - where did you get the labels???

  2. Very cute and stylish. Great job, Mom.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Very cute! She's pretty lucky. I would have told my kid to make due. and when she's tired of it next week -you can still make a bag from it :) g

  4. You're so lucky to have a girl to sew for! Thanks for the link to your label manufacturer. I would really like to get some made sometime.

  5. How amazingly ingenious and talented are you?! Super cute, and love the tags. Thanks for the info!

  6. Super cute skirt. Love the leggings under it.

  7. How adorable! I need to make some of these for Savannah! She'd love it.

  8. Ah, youth! don't you wish sewing for yourself was that easy?

  9. How cute she looks in that skirt!

  10. Absolutely adorable :)
    Thank you for the label information.

  11. Tell Lul she looks adorable! Hey, by the way, check out H's heart-shaped potato over at my blog. Too funny.

  12. Very cute skirt! Thank you for the label info. Too bad for me I just ordered new ones on Friday.


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