Thursday, December 17, 2009


Seems crazy to think that this tiny boy is now in high school.

Where did the time go?? Fifteen years ago tonight I met you for the first time, and life as I knew it would never be the same.

Probably the only person on the planet who loves you as much as me, is this one.

I would normally consider this picture of me (no makeup, hot, tired, long day hiking in the Arizona desert) unfit for blog viewing. But since you're right there beside me, I think its rather perfect.

Happy Birthday, boy of mine!


  1. Aww loeous fvely photos of your gorgeous family. Happy Birthday to your son x

  2. Treasure the moments. They go in the blink of an eye.

  3. Happy Birthday to your son.

    Who would have thought 15 years could go by so quickly!

  4. I love this post. What a happy handsome young man you've raised. And as for the hiking picture, you look pretty stylin' to me.

  5. Happy Birthday to your son. Time goes to quickly, doesn't it.

  6. Awww! I love how your kids love each other so much. Happy Birthday to him!

  7. Wow...15! Happy Birthday to your, young man. Why does time fly so fast. I think I'm gonna cry and he's not even my son! LOL! I'm not gonna let my li'l guy grow anymore. I think I'll just keep him 5 forever. yeah, right.

  8. What nice happy kids! Happy Birthday for your kiddo and for you too ('cause don't you think the kiddos' birthdays are the happiest ones of all? I do!)

    And I agree, I think for a hike in the desert you look awfully fab. I'd look like a vagabond if I was in the same situation.

  9. This is such a nice post :)

    Happy Birthday to your son!

  10. I love your post! Happy Birthday to your son!!!

  11. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Lovely photos - thanks for sharing. I wonder if our kids appreciate what good parents we are when they are 15. You're totally rocking the raising kids job.

    Happy Birthday G-Man - I hope you continue to make your mom proud and that 15 brings you everything. g


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