Saturday, January 30, 2010


We survived the ice & snow and still have power and water, which makes me very happy. We got over 1/4 inch of ice:

Before 6-8 inches of snow fell:

I've had an assortment of colorful birds enhabiting the back porch since the white stuff came down. Here are just a few!

I sent the snow & ice on over for ya'll in the southeast to enjoy.

You're welcome.


  1. Nice pictures! I especially love the fave bird.

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    very pretty pictures. What camera do you use? Those poor birds are most likely freezing.


  3. That cardinal is gorgeous!!!

  4. Poor little bluebird! I don't think I've ever seen one in real life (they don't go north and apparently we don't get them much down here either).

    OMG my word verification is "pimptic". I am SO using that from now on. "Dog, that is pimptic, yo."

    I crack myself up.

  5. Well, we, in the SE got your snow. Thank you. I actually love snow, since we usually get so little. We ended up with about 5 in. before the ice started. It compacted the snow down to about 2 j-3 in. then it started misting rain this morning. It's slowing melting, but very slowly, so I think the 20 degree temps tonight will make it stick around. Your photographs are beautiful!

  6. Great pictures! I love the bird on the wood pile!

  7. Lovely pictures, beautifully cooling!

  8. You sent too much snow! We got over 12 inches, it was only suppose to be six inches. Lovely photos of some beautiful birds.


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