Sunday, July 08, 2007

Kaffe & Kaziah

Well, aside from being sidelined by a migraine most of this week, I did find time to whip out this cute little set...

Note flashy Kaffe Fassett prints! There's a sash too, it's just not pictured. I dedicate this one to Shannon and her cuter than cute little outfit she made out of KF a couple weeks ago on her blog. The twirly skirt is actually cuter than it appears. Oh, just lookie for yourself:

This is a short one girls. I gotta have a brownie & lie down. Before I do tho, I wanted to direct you to the most amazing story I heard all week. If you haven't heard of Kaziah Hancock, then you need to read her story here.

And if you can look through the portraits she paints for the families of fallen soldiers without grabbing the nearest kleenex, you're made of stronger stuff than I. Nothing will drive home the true cost of this war more than scrolling down-- a long, long way down-- that gallery page of soldiers she has painted.

I missed the 4th of July on the blog...but I thank God that I'm American every day. And God bless the soldiers who protect our freedoms. Sometimes with their lives.



  1. Oh that is so sooooo cute!! LOVE it!

    I hope your head is feeling better. :(

  2. I love this outfit! The fabric is gorgeous. Do they have any of this left? I want some for me! Some little girl is going to look beautiful in this!

    Shannon F

  3. Shannon...they had a bunch left when I was there last Monday for the orange dot (which I got 2 yds of, thankfully). He said a bunch is coming in right away too...


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