Friday, July 22, 2011

Sidelined. Or is it Waylaid?

Sorry but I'm going to have to start your day with a photo of my foot, hehe.

THIS is why my skirt is not finished.  Ack.  Rather silly story, but let's just say a certain spider landed in my lap and ran up my PJ shorts, causing me to have an utter freakout and jump up, stomping my legs furiously (to hopefully dislodge Spidey and kill him in one fell swoop).

Um, instead, I missed the floor with my foot and instead stomped my right ankle.  And then hit the coffee table.  And the floor.  Sigh. 

I'm so very thankful it wasn't broken, just a very bad sprain.  I'm not a fan of crutches. They're so...immobile.  But five to seven days on them is much more doable than six weeks!  I have wrappings and stuff, but it's so swollen (probably because of the sweltering heat), honestly it feels better au naturel.

While I'm stuck on the couch NOT finishing my beautiful anthro-inspired skirt, I'm hopeful the new Burda magazine comes so I have something new to thumb through.  And I got this box of lovelies yesterday in the mail:

I won it on ebay, in anticipation of making some of these:

I just love granny squares!  And they should be quick and easy to pile up while I'm stuck on the couch. (Although it does kind of stink that this is my last 2 weeks of summer vacation.  Poo.)  Here are two granny square patterns if you want to join me on the couch!

And with that, I leave you with some pretty crochet inspiration.  I'm off to watch some Netflix and get  my hooks. ;)
Granny Square Inspiration :)


  1. Sorry about the foot. It looks quite painful. Working up that bright yarn should cheer you up!

  2. Bless your heart! I'm glad you've got all that cheery yarn to keep you occupied while you mend. I hope your weekend will be as happy and bright as your yarn!

    Get well soon!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  3. Ohhh! Ive been thinking about starting a granny square blankie too. I saw one done in mohair and its devine. Keep us posted; Id love to see which pattern you choose.

  4. WOW! Sorry about your foot, hope you get better soon!

  5. Oh poor you! What a nightmare! I am really uncomfortable and irrational about spiders myself.

    I hope your ankle gets better soon. Do show us your granny squares when you have a few piled.

  6. Wow that stinks. Hope it heals fast. I love granny squares but hate crochet.

  7. Oh honey! Now - can't you prop that foot up under the sewing machine - use the start/stop button instead of the foot control, with the speed way slowed down of course. Lower the ironing board so you don't have to stand up - well you get the drift. Hope the foot heels quickly.

    by the way - did you get spidey? g

  8. Holy crap Angie!! That looks terrible! You poor thing - hope the family are being proper caretakers, and hope you are getting lots of episodes of PD in :)

  9. Oh man, you poor thing! Heal quick!

  10. Now that's a swollen foot! So I'm just going to say this, when this happened to me (and a pair of skis and a tree enough said) I poo-pooed the tension bandage. Let me just say the swelling has never completely gone down, tissue damage I am told. It has been years and years. A little ice and a little ace, better than lots of puffy forever.

    That said, I absolutely love the grannies with white. Now I have to do that too. I will never get to the end of my to do list!

    Take care.

  11. Ooooh. Cringe. Ow. I probably would have done the same thing because I am very clumsy. I'm not afraid of spiders unless they touch me. Then I freak out and scream like a little girl.

  12. Oh, it looks so painful... I hope you're feeling better soon!

  13. Did you kill the spider? All joking aside, so sorry you hurt yourself. I'll do damage trying to get away from a spider too.

  14. wow no fun at all..Hope your foot heals quickly!

  15. Oh no, you poor kid! Ouch! That foot looks so painful. Well, thank goodness for Netflix and crochet huh? I love Granny squares and really, that pillow is awesome. I may have to copy it. I have tons and tons of yarn. So, when I get bored with what I'm knitting, I may just get going on some granny squares. I love that they are bordered in white. Feel better.

  16. Ouch - it looks pretty swollen. Please make sure you are icing it at least 3x a really does help heal (along with compression and elevation if you can stand it). Have fun with the yarn and some movies.

  17. When I was reading the first couple of sentences and seeing the picture I thought maybe you were bitten by the spider. I actually reacted the same way you described when one had landed on me.
    I hope your foot heals soon and your back to your daily activities. Best wishes.

  18. Sorry to hear about your ankle! Gosh that has got to be painful.

  19. Wow..that isn't any fun! Heal fast and make lots of granny squares!

  20. Ouch! There's no lowering of that presser foot. Heal quickly and enjoy the crochet.

  21. ~ * ♥ * ~

    Oh my Angie! Just reading about your ankle crunching made me wince. Get better soon and rest that foot up!

    bonita of Depict This!
    ~ * ♥ * ~

  22. xoxoxox what a story! feel better soon!

  23. Ack! Sorry to hear about the ankle-injury (though the whole scenario sounds like something I would do...). Hope you feel lots better soon and get some serious crocheting done in the meantime! ;)

  24. i quickly scanned the comments to see if anyone shared my specific reaction. they don't.

    i am laughing like hell. i thank you up down left and right for sharing that perfectly worded story.

    seriously, still laughing.

  25. I hope your foot is OK!

  26. I would totally freak in the same way if a spider invaded my personal space.

    I sprained my ankle 10 years ago...heading out to get the newspaper, I somehow came down off the bottom step onto my ankle. Heard it pop. Fortunately I didn't hit any furniture, but I ended up on my back on the sidewalk wondering if I was going to puke or faint or both. Eventually my older daughter came out and helped me into the house.

    I've been told that a clean break mends faster than a bad take it easy and mind the doctors and have fun with your granny squares!

    Hugs and prayers for a quick recovery! :-)

  27. Yikes woman - you're a disaster!! Yeowch!

    You need to get to the point I'm at with my ankles - I'm such a klutz that I have turned my ankles so many times that they don't even swell anymore. I think I have managed to stretch out the tendons to the point where they can take it without injury. Lovely, eh?

  28. Oh yeah - P.S. Dontcha just hate spiders? Little b@stards!

  29. Sorry about your foot especially since it's messing up your last two weeks of summer vacay! Hopefully you will feel better soon. Stay on the couch, crochet a bit and stay cool!

  30. eek! that looks painful. Hope you are on the mend, take care x


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