Sunday, July 29, 2012

catch up...

Just a little catch up post!  Last week flew by in a whirlwind of ...  oh wait. Nevermind.  I did absolutely nothing of import last week.

I haven't touched a project with thread and fabric in a couple of weeks, so.... I still have a maxi dress to finish (so close!!)  No mojo tho, unfortunately.

I've seen several blogs go silent the past year. Seems the sewing blogger baton is being passed to a new generation. Not sure how I feel about that, or what that will mean for me and my space here, but I'm just going to keep on keepin on until I have nothing left to say. 

In "it's about time to screw up a body part" news, I've been walking every day for several weeks and yesterday I decided to be adventuresome and rolled down one of the hills on my hike.   Oh, all right, it wasn't on purpose.  I got off lucky...skinned one knee, wrenched one shoulder, sprained one ankle and one wrist.  I think I need better shoes.  I ordered these yesterday:

See that little spike?  They're cross country running shoes, and I need that extra traction since I walk/hike over land.  (i.e. no pavement!)

AND... I've lost little over 20 lbs since April.  This is pretty exciting to me, and I've been keeping it close to the vest because I hate oversharing.  Maybe in the next few weeks I'll make something and you'll be able to see my progress in the photos.  I'm starting to see it in my clothes.

I've also read about 12 books the past 2 weeks.  I'm not even exaggerating.  I'm a Kindle FIEND right now.

I've written about 15000 words on my little novel that could, that's starting to take shape and scare me with it's realness.  (That means I regularly have panic attacks about it and wander around the house and yard mumbling to myself. The kids just ignore me. Well, they ignored me before the mumbling too, so...)

We have Olympic fever at our house.  Do you??

G and I have decided we are moving to one of those tiny countries that sends only a few athletes to the games to increase our odds of qualifying to walk in the opening ceremony.  We think we could probably swing a curling team.  I'll be the sweeper.

For London, though, we're Lochte fans. 

But then...who isn't?

Except maybe Michael Phelps.

Speaking's another Call Me Maybe parody.  This time with water!


  1. Be careful out there! Those shoes ROCK, a sure thing to keep the motivation moving! Yes, I know I've quieted down a bit with my blog, but I am trying to pick up the pace and speak up once a week. Lochte all the way!

  2. Sorry to hear you damaged yourself...stop that! Those shoes should help unless you step on yourself...or your ankle. I too need a new pair, but keep managing to put it off...let this be a lesson to me.
    Congrats on the weight loss. Thats awesome and quite the accomplishment!
    Ah sewing blogs...trying to redefine mine as well and unsure what I want to share and if its worth sharing....a conundrum.

  3. Wahoo! for the weight loss.

    Boo Hoo! for trying to kill yourself.


  4. Wow, serious hiking and doing so much writing and choosing health for yourself? Sounds like such a full, positive life for you right now!

  5. Yea you! I know what you mean about all of it. I was so glad to see Ryan win. We've been watching a bit of the olympics. it's good fun. g


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