Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Update

Thank you for the well wishes! It seems to be working, so keep thinking those feel-good thoughts! I've been upright ALL DAY! This has been a very weird week for me, since I've basically been in bed (or on the couch) unable to really do more than wipe down a counter before I have to take a little rest. I guess it's a blessing I'm off for spring break (although this irritates me at the same time. I'm sure you can relate.)

With almost no sewing machine time available to me thus far, I ended up altering my Easter plan for Lu just a bit. I may not be able to sit at my sewing machine for an extended period of time this week, but I got to thinking...I could be doing some handwork! So I pulled out this book. Lu & I are both in love with the sweet cover top (and several other things inside.)

So I tore a strip of beautiful pale pink Nelona Swiss batiste. Yum. Then I rested. (haha. Except that I did.) I attached a scrap of pale pink entredeaux and tiny French lace from stash, and pleated (and then took a little rest.)

THEN I pulled out some pretty floche and just cuddled up in my recliner and smocked while I rested! What a concept! Here's a peek at the pretty entredeux and lace that will be the yoke edge of the front:

And here is the completed smocked front (except that I forgot an entire row of cables along the bottom. Can't decide if I want to fool with going back and doing them now that I'm way into the embroidering.) It is really turning out SO pretty...

Close up of the pretty bullion roses (not quite finished, but I should be by bedtime.) I also learned a new embroidery stitch, the Brazilian Cast-On stitch. The book has minute instructions, but I needed more help (blame the fever. Or maybe the meds.) I understood this site's picture tute the best.

That's as far as I've gotten! Well, the little skirt is cut out and on my sewing table, and should go together quickly. Hopefully I'll have a completed top picture for you tomorrow!


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Beautiful!! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Smocking is so great for when you want to be productive but want to just sit in one place. Your top is so beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished. I love that book. I think that I might have to go find it. Feel better soon!

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    This is so lovely and perfect colors for spring! Your embroidery work is phenomenal...and done under the weather at that! Beautimus! :)

  4. I have never seen that book before. I will have to go look for it this weekend. Also, your smocking looks great.


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