Monday, March 17, 2008

Wiggles, et. al.

I love me a good Wiggle Dress/suit. Don't you? Look at this beauty over at LanetzLiving!
I love the wide boat neck and the gathers at the back shoulder/neck. Very chic.

Unfortunately I've spent the first 3 days of spring break in bed (or on the couch) with a nice case of bronchitis. Fun! When I can sit up for any length of time I've browsed blogs & stuff, which means I've got squat done on Lu's Easter outfit. Drats.

Speaking of Easter, aren't these just the sweetest vintage patterns for girls?

I don't often see patterns in Lu's size range (10-12-14) but the first one here is a 14 1/2 (a "Chub-Deb". Ouch.) These all feature older looking cover girls, so they must have been available in her size originally.

And look at these sweet "suits" for the older girl. Note the second one is also for "chubbies".

Cute sleeve lines here...

Really sweet tops:

I haven't made a vintage pattern for her since she was 2 (I made LOTS of them when she was a baby and toddler!) But seeing all of these great vintage patterns for girls has sparked my interest! Besides, she's so much easier to fit than ME. :o) All of these patterns are available at LanetzLiving!

And now, the couch is calling. So this Chubbie is taking her leave.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    Loving every last one of these patterns (right up my alley!) and if you would make them in my size I would wear them every single day :) Pretty please?

  2. I am loving those girls vintage patterns. They are so sweet. I thing that I am going to have to put this website on my must see list!

  3. I love the graphics on those vintage patterns. We have a little thrift store nearby that has boxes of old patterns, but I never know what to buy! I think I'll look for the children's patterns now that I've read your post.

    I sure hope you feel better quick...esp if you're to get a Easter project completed by Easter! get well soon!

  4. I hope you are better soon. I love the patterns, they are so sweet. Good luck on finishing your Easter project.

  5. WOW! I knew I recognized your name when you commented on my blog. You have an amazing eye for putting fabrics together! I love your outfits over on flickr and these vintage patterns are too cute! You are one talented chicka!



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