Friday, September 21, 2007


Thank you so much for all the sweet comments on the jeans tute! I've got a full-length Halloween pair in the works too, so I'll post a pic when they're finished.

Lu grows so fast right now I don't feel wasteful making her a holiday outfit that realistically won't get a ton of wear. The fact is NOTHING gets much wear in her closet right now! I almost can't keep up with her!

I'm participating in the Loes Hinse & Textile Studio's Sew Along on PR. If you're a fan of these patterns, or just want to try one out, come join us! I'm making these first:

The pants are from the Japanese craft book "Everyday Pants & Culottes". I love the flippy little ruffle on these pants. Plus...cotton print! Woohoo! Ya'll know this is my weakness and I almost never get to use it for me. I'm using the LH Cruise Pant pattern. I widened the legs and added a drawstring waist.

They would technically be finished except that I tried them on and they were too long. Guess I shoulda tried them on BEFORE adding the ruffle!! I also doubled the ruffle for a finished edge, and I think it's too "heavy". It seems to weight down the pant leg and they're not as flow-y as the photo above.

SO I have to whack off the ruffle and make it a single layer with a tiny hem. That will work better, I think.

Have to go to work now. Bummer.


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I love that pants pattern! Yeah, I usually double the fabric for a ruffle when it's on jeans.. just to match the weight :)

  2. that's a cute pattern! very sassy.

    I understand about growing too fast! phew!

    When the Halloween jeans are outgrown you could make them into a cute seasonal pillow. I'm always sad when Lauren outgrows something I've made.

  3. those are really cute pants. one of the fabric shops here just started carrying the japanese craft books, and i started browsing through them, and well, i didn't come home with any, only because i couldn't decide between 5 of them. (how's that for a long sentence!). the cute japanese fabrics, on the other hand, are like crack cocaine. :)


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