Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Sorry it's been so quiet around here... I haven't encountered much "quality time" this week! What with "homecoming" and "parent/teacher conferences" at school, I'm basically running on fumes.

I'm hoping to get some of that aforementioned QT with the sewing machine this weekend, though. My fall wardrobe is sadly lacking...

(I also have some vintage pattern purchases to share that are AWESOME. Just sayin.)

See you soon!


  1. I was wondering where in the hell you've been, missy! :-P

    word ver: gotrat

    got rat. WTF? is that like "got milk"? only with...rats...

  2. I hear ya! I just got home from "Curriculum Night" (aka Meet the Teacher), and our Homecoming is next week. Was thinking of you yesterday when I got bested on ebay. I thought, "Oh no... Why can't I have Ang's mad skillz on ebay???"

  3. I have missed your posts ! Look after yourself , you need to eat you know :-))

  4. hi i was wondering if you are going to be making that bueatiful plus size purple or magenta fleece that looks like wool jacket? if so would u please get back to me on price and size info. Thanks

  5. Hi Stephanie, thanks for the comment! I don't really sew for profit any longer. Just for fun! :) It's true, I started this blog as part of my toddler's fashion side business, but it quickly became my personal journey instead. I really think it's a fairly easy pattern though. I think you should give it a try!


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