Thursday, September 24, 2009

yikes & yays.

Pam Anderson still models.

No, seriously. Pammy is 41. I'm 38. Please, God, tell me I'm not going to look like this in 3 years!!!

Better news...This starts tonight at 8/7c!!!

It stars the spectacularly yummy Joseph Fiennes, and right off the bat they hook me: battered, bloody, form-fitting denim. Holster. Rawr.

Add some death, destruction and mayhem, with a twist of the unexplained a'la Lost, and I'm plumping your target demographic numbers. (At least for another year or so. See Pammy and me above.)


  1. Yikes is right! She looks 51, not 41. I don't think that you are in any danger of looking like this.
    On the other hand, yum yum is right!

  2. One of Pammy's problems is she's trying too hard to look 20. It always shows.

  3. no, you're not going to look like pam! she has allowed alot of damage to her skin that you haven't.

    have you noticed that alot of movie stars have started doing tv of late? are they hard up for parts? not that i'm complaining. this looks interesting =)

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    You crack me up. There is not a chance in h*ll that you will look like that in 3 years (meant only in the most flattering way - of course). g

  5. Hmmh...interesting! I'm not a Pam fan but I had no idea she was only "41". I also don't think you have any worries :)

  6. OMG! I thought that was Tammy Fay Baker when the picture opened!

  7. Not a chance in hell, you'll look far better! I'm not sure about the bloodied part, but I echo your "Rawr" on everything else!

  8. Yikes! She really does look lots older than she really is. Smoker maybe? By the way, we are watching our way through season 1 of Battlestar Galactica. Wasn't that a favorite of yours? I'm lovin it so far.

  9. You don't have a thing to worry about! When Pammy's face is shot to h*ll, her boobs will still be as hard as granite! LOL!

  10. I didn't realize she was so young! And thanks for the tip on Flashforwrd. I haven't heard of it before. Lost in my little writer's cell too much, I guesss.

    Hey, have you heard of this little fashionista? Not sure how I feel about a 13 yr old girl out there blogging and hanging out with the fashion crowd in NY, but she sure is talented, obviously. Reminds me of Pretty in Pink, in a way (showing my age). Her name is Tavi

  11. When I saw the first photo my response was ewwwww, when I saw the second photo my visceral response was.........I still have a pulse!!!!!

  12. Flash Forward was AMAZING, AWESOME, UNBELIVEABLE and I can't wait for next week!!!

  13. DanainDFW3:24 PM

    I am 51 and don't look like her... but of course I don't use that much makeup in an entire year... certainly don't in one day! And, that amount isn't doing her much good either, is it. (Meow - kinda catty, wasn't I? She's never been one of my favs.)

  14. I have not followed Pamela, but she looks awful. Too much makeup, I'm sure she has been in the sun too much and all the effects of her lifestyle. (I don't know if she smokes or not)

    I may be pale white, but I will stay young looking from staying out of the sun!

  15. I'm 59 and I think maybe I look younger than Ms. Anderson. It seems to me she has lost her way somehow.


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