It was crafted by Jennifer Stanfield of nimbleknot. She is amazing! She has an Etsy store & an eBay store too, but I think she's working on commissions right now so both are empty.
I've been fascinated by needlefelting for oh, at least 2 years. I first fell in love with these tiny wool cuties in this book:

But frankly, other than oohing and ahhing, I skimmed over the pretties because a) I don't read Japanese, and b) I thought needlefelting was jabbing an oddly shaped needle into a flat piece of fabric/felt. How in the world did THAT equal these little 3-dimensional animals??
But flickr has persuaded me that I must learn to do this. You know, in all that spare time I've got lying around. And google has provided a couple of tutes. Here's one with basic instruction for dolly shapes. Here's another (rather complicated) dolly head & body tutorial.
But THIS one is the where the lightbulb a-HA moment hit me.
A little more seraching revealed that Martha has a video too, a how-to for a sweet little chick. View it here. Even sweeter...it features one of my favorite flickr artists, Jenn Docherty!
I mean just look at these bunnies she made! I could eat them up!

And lest you think I spend all my time looking at other people's projects (shut up) and never get to my own...here's a sneak peek of a few soon to be yummies for Lu:
although if I don't get my buns off the net I'll still be here next Sunday, wondering why none of my lovely projects are finished. laters!
oooh great tutorials, thanks for sharing, can't wait to see what you make with those yummy fabrics!