Saturday, July 25, 2009

BWOF 6-08-107

I've been working on this for three days! And not because it was hard, I just kept running into those annoying little obstacles that prevent you from finishing. This top is from Burda World of Fashion 6/08 #107 in white dotted swiss:

I had to size up to a 44, then do an FBA. This one is pretty small through the chest, I would guess a B cup fit, not the usual BWOF C cup. Just be aware you probably want to muslin it even after you do an FBA. I ended up still needing just a smidge of room across the chest, so I folded the plackets about 1/4" narrower than the pattern called for. Luckily I was able to ease this extra neckline into the collar and stand.

Speaking of which...pretty pointed collar:

What really drew me to the pattern was the side casings with elastic inserts. I don't like to tuck in, but its hard to find woven shirts that look nice untucked. The pattern also has pleats in front & back, in addition to the gathered casing, but I left the pleats off. I had used them on the muslin and really didn't think they added enough to the top to keep them.

The sleeves also are a nice touch. They're sort of a cross between raglan and set in sleeves, which makes them very easy to insert. But instead of a plain jane gathering at the cuff, you have these great pleats with binding. I think these little extra details set BWOF apart.

I started out with these beautiful vintage pressed glass buttons in a pure white. And then I broke one! So I ended up using these pearly white shank buttons instead.

I promise I'll wear the top in a picture soon! I'm working on a skirt that will be perfect with it. I might even do my hair.


  1. Its very nice. I like this pattern and the fabric very sweet.

  2. I'm sure this little blouse looks lovely on you. Very pretty.

  3. Ha! "Do your hair" !! Are you looking in MY mirror today? We've been w/o running water since last night. DH the not-so handyman has been ... er ... fixing it since 10 AM. I think he's almost there. I don't even mind missing the shower so much ... but I can't fill my iron! Wahhhh.

    Gorgeous blouse! I wish it was hanging in my closet instead of yours. ;-)

  4. Love that fabric. The buttons are cute too.

  5. I've been planning to make that exact same top out of the exact same fabric all summer. Haven't purchased either yet though! Yours is fabulous, can't wait to see it on you!

  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I am a sucker for swiss dot. It looks so cute witht the sleeves.

  7. Lookin' good, Ang! I've been considering that pattern for some "work shirts", so I'm glad to see your review and pics!

  8. Very pretty!! You made me remember some swiss dot I have in my stash!

  9. What a pretty, summery fresh looking blouse. I love it! Great job!

  10. I've made this twice as a dress, once with the elastic only and once with the pleats only, but not in swiss dot, which now I'm thinking I really need to! Yours is adorable. I agree that pleats AND elastic is a little redundant on this since it's a nicely fitted shape to begin with.

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Lovely top. I love that you'll "do your hair" for the photos - can't wait to see. g

  12. Love this! You are so talented.

  13. I adore this top! I have some swiss dot that is so ready to be something but I'm not sure what as of yet. This pattern was great for this fabric. Can't wait to see it on you!

  14. I love, love, love dotted swiss, but I think whatever dotted swiss I get in the future will have to be hand-washed, because it gets to looking too beat up in the regular old wash. *sigh*


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