Friday, January 02, 2009


I made 5 resolutions last year, mostly dealing with my life & being happy in my existence. And I did a fair job with keeping them. The first two were dicey (less time on the net? What was I thinking?) but the rest I actually tried to embrace, and they're so natural now that I had forgotten they were a resolution. Now they're just what I do.

This year I have fewer things I'm feeling resolute about, but I do have a couple of sewing related ideas:
1. Set aside time each week for sewing! I admire some of my peeps out there for the way they schedule sewing time into their daily routine.
2. Sew at least 1 BWOF & Ottobre pattern from each issue. I get HOW many new BWOF & Ottobre patterns each time in my subscription? Surely I can handle one from each issue.
3. Each new pattern I buy will cost one stash pattern sewn up. I've got WAY too many patterns, and what's the point of collecting if I never sew any of them? I'm not buying any new ones unless I've sewn an equal number of patterns from stash. I may have to add a little marker system over on the sidebars to keep track of this one!
4. Develop a TNT basic wardrobe of patterns. This is a big one, but how much fun would it be to sew when you get the hankering, if you had the BASICS all ready to go? Here's my own list of basic TNT's I want to develop:
a. Trouser
b. A-line skirt (I'm pretty close on this one)
c. Scoop neck tee (ditto, my Ottobre is awfully close)
d. Sheath dress
e. Classic white shirt
f. Jacket (I'm not sure if I need an excessively tailored jacket, but a go-to princess seam jacket would be great!)

That's it for my New Years resolutions. If I just get #1 & 4 accomplished, I'll be ecstatic!

Yesterday I sewed up Butterick 5247 in a really pretty, sort of heavy, black ribbed knit. I was making the short sleeve tunic version, rather than the dress.

Unfortunately it's a bust (having nothing to do with my bust, teehee). No, this pretty fabric was a $!#$ to sew. And it has NO drape, even though it's a knit, and you absolutely can't tell that by feeling it. It has something to do with the ribs, I think. Here's the wavy sleeve seam:

And here's the armored cowl collar:

Moving on. I cut out this very aged stash pattern, Loes Hinse Cowl top. This sucker has 37 reviews on Patternreview!

I'm making the LS cowl version. I really like a loose cowl, & if I can layer something under it, even better! I choise this very drapey, chocolatey brown sweater knit. It's not as "pill prone" as it appears in the photo. I actually have no idea why it photographed that way. Hmmm. It's soft & yummy in any case. Maybe it just needs a shave.

I'm really impatiently waiting for my January BWOF to arrive in the mailbox (TODAY please). I want to make this skirt out of my black & white glencheck plaid that is just like Dawn's. Of course it only goes to a 42 in the mag, so there be alterations ahead.

And this tee with ruffly sleeves is pretty cute too. I like the pieced sleeve alot. Although it might be the color that's calling to me, I LOVE this apple-y green. ALSO only up to 42. Grr.

And in preparation for the Stash Contest over at PR, I cut out a couple of patterns in my stash I've been meaning to tackle for a while now. This popular Vogue Today's Fit tee (8151)

New Look 6729, the LS wrap top:

NL 6815, a safari-esque ensemble. I need to jump on that safari thing before its "out":

I've made this one before, but I pulled it out to try it layered over something else. I was only "meh" about my first version, but I'm thinking this black windowpane georgette I've got might just be the ticket for another go at this, Simplicity 3893:

How much do you love anthropologie? Do you love it as much as me? I could browse that site for days and still not get tired. I've been using Paint.Net and combining pieces & accessories, to make an Idea Book. My best buddy Shannon got me a journal for my birthday (among other fabulous things!) and I've been using it to keep a sort of Sewing Journal.

I thought I'd share my little composite pictures, because I'm going to attempt to find patterns for most of them. I absolutely love the jacket in this one, and there was a 2008 BWOF pattern exactly like this! Score!
And this kimono jacket is awesome. The fabric makes this jacket, but it's not a print. It is actually embroidered! Maybe I'll get all creative and hand embroider a piece for this jacket. I absolutely love it. (I prolly won't be caught dead in skinny jeans either, even though I think they really do look fabulous with this ensemble.)

I should probably get off of here, or I'm going to fail resolution #1 before the year even gets started!


  1. I'm with you about checking the mail for my BWOF mag. Where the heck is that thing?!!! Does it usually come this late?

  2. All good resolutions Angie...I like the idea thinks I need to try that one too! Hope your BWOF comes today...I got mine a couple days ago, but now I am waiting for my gravity feed iron. Probably won't come that the snow has gone (and come again this morning), we are now experiencing flooding! Mary

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Love the list! I hope my BWOF is at my desk when I stop by the office this morning.

    I need to do a vaca recap then post goals. I plan on making my wool coat! don't hurt yourself laughing.

    Happy New Year. g

  4. Great set of resolutions!

    Can't wait to see your cowl top - I love that pattern!

  5. Did you get your Burda in the mail? I got mine, and I love that little apple green top as well.

  6. My BWOF came the other day, and this issue ROCKS! I hope yours arrived by now! One an issue sounds do-able... I also have that Vogue Sandra Betzina pattern in my stash, but other things keeping jumping the line in front of it!

  7. Love your resolutions. Too bad about the black top. Your other top looks like a winner. Good luck with it.

  8. What a great post with so much inspiration. I am liking many things in this BWOF, sorry yours has not arrived yet but it is worth the wait. I want to make the green knit top, too. Thanks for the tip about, will have to check it out. Also, Anthropologie is one of my favorite sites and I spend way too much time there.

  9. Love your list! Especially the one about sewing from your pattern stash before buying a new one. I need to do that too :)

  10. Great resolutions... I'm with ya on the BWOF once a month thing.. I made that goal last year and didn't carry through... so this year its up again!
    Love your TNT goal!!! I might have to adapt that one to my list.


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