Saturday, January 31, 2009


Little people have big power. Yesterday the CPSC has granted a 1-year stay on the new law while they revise & edit the law.

Meanwhile...I got kind of excited about refocusing my sometimes hobby excess/sometimes extra moolah business away from baby/children. Here's my new Etsy store banner:

And here's my new label design, just sent off to the weaver for garment labels! (the care/content/origin labels are boring so we'll just skip that picture.)

I must be on a red/aqua kick (when aren't I?) because while off for my little weather suckage break, I also have been working on a spring skirt from the book Sew What Skirts:

from this fabric

It's mostly finished.

Waist & zip are done

Only hem to go, which will be dotty. Of course.

This book is very cool eye candy, but more importantly, it shows how to draft a skirt to your measurements. You can draft a straight "pencil" skirt, a-line, circle, wrap around... with various modifications for each of those. And there are no size limitations because you use your own measurements to draft! Very cool.

Flickr group HERE. Another HERE.

Spring skirts with snow still on the ground...who else does this?


  1. Way to think positive, Angie! Love the new direction to "girls" rather than "kids", and thinking Spring with snow underfoot is the only way to get through it all! Thanks for sharing the details about the book, sounds like one to check out!

  2. I just LOVE that skirt book; I think it is one of my favorites for design inspiration and ideas on how to change/jazz up a simple A-line skirt or whatever. I have yet to actually draft one of their patterns and have just used an Ottobre A-line, a Loes Hinse skirt, etc. and then applied their design ideas. Actually, I used a lot of their ideas for my maternity skirts, which looked very different but were all made from one pattern.

  3. Red and aqua is one of my favorite color combos. Thank you for sharing that book.

  4. I heard the news on tv and thought of you.

  5. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Love the new label. I thought you embroidered your own (did you do a tutorial?)

    Love the new skirt. I might have to check out that book. g

  6. I like the new banner and labels, good luck. Your skirt is so pretty and the color combination is one of my favorites.

  7. Yes, it's fantastic isn't it (the one year stay)?? How do you create such nice designs? Do you have an art's degree or where you just born that way?????

  8. I have that book and really like it. I want to make a cute little wrap skirt for the spring and summer, in fact I bought the book because the wrap skirt reminded me of the first, 8th grade sewing project--nostalgia. There are lots of cuties in it though.

    I thought of you yesterday. My local Walmart still has a nice fabric selection and I was testing out my print matching skills.

  9. I'm thrilled for you that the law is going to be reworked. Congratulations to the little people. I really like the new label. It's quite eye catching.

  10. Oh, THAT cream dot fabric- I love it! Can't wait to see the finished skirt!

  11. No, I am usually making mine just as the season is ending!

    LOVE the fabric combo and I must get me a copy of that book.

    Your new name labels & logo are fab.

  12. What a fun skirt! I love the colors and the mix of patterns!

  13. Love the new label & colors red & aqua! I know this is late but thanks for the award! Great skirt book I will have to check it out. Meg


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