Thursday, January 15, 2009


Super duper cold today...worse tonight/tomorrow morning. I really feel for my friends up north, because I've been a downright baby about it!

Tomorrow would be a perfect day to stay home in my flannel pj's and fluffy pink slippers...drinking some steaming hot cocoa, curled up with a stack of BWOF's.... You know, if it wasn't for that pesky job thing.

If I wasn't rifling through my out of control stash of BWOF, I could be petting my new pattern haul. Speaking of which, I really love Simplicity 2758

I actually picked it up because I thought, WOW, love these skirts. And while I only have 3 skirts in my closet currently (I did a massive purge after Christmas! It was so liberating!!) it is a bit cold to be thinking about making some. I can't help myself though.

Anywho, what I didn't realize until I had the pattern in hand, was that it includes this really fabulous blouse pattern too! AND the top is in B-C-D cup sizing! Woot!

This might be my next project. Although you know I retain the right of changing my mind about a dozen times first. (But I'm really leaning toward that C skirt view. LOVE it.)

Gotta hit the hay now, but before I go, I wanted to let you all know I have caved to peer pressure and joined the masses on here:

I have NO idea what I'm doing, but so far I've talked to one girl I went to HS with, and one of my very best friends from my early 20's IM'd me through FB, completely making my night! Very cool. (Um, I could use some more friends though. I look kinda pathetic. Hint Hint. I think this is my profile link here.)


  1. Brr is right!!! It is 8 degrees here. Cute skirt patterns, I like the C one too and the B top, love the ruffles on the sleeves.

  2. It seems the tables have turned!!!! hee hee. It's 52 degrees here. The roads are ice-skating rinks and this is the 3rd day in a row of school that has been cancelled. Hello 6-day weekend.

    Love the skirts in that oattern envelope.

  3. Oh My God! This cold weather is killing me! This morning it was -17 in Chicago. We've been pounded with several snow storms and freezing temps. Spring hurry! lol

    I have that same pattern. I want to make the blouse.

    Happy Sewing!

  4. I haven't caved in to join facebook yet, but I'm thinking about it. Yesterday it was 86 when I got home from school. I was thinking about you freezing your butt off and sending you warm thoughts. I'm backing to being a lowly sub again and wound up with the day off, but I'll have some hot chocolate in your name this morning, OK?

  5. You will find your way around Facebook, it really is a lot fun once you get the hang of it. I've already sent you a friend request!
    That pattern is great, too! You can never go wrong with an A-line skirt (so says Stacey & Clinton on What Not to Wear)!

  6. Look out for me on facebook - I've added you x


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