Sunday, January 11, 2009


Inches that is! Here's my quilt square for the Friendship Quilt '09!!

I used a free foundation pieced sewing machine block from Quilters Cache. You can get the pattern free HERE.

I love the teeny tiny thread spool. Mine is a tad wonky...but it's so cute I don't care!

I hand embroidered my PR name with red #5 pearl cotton. Also slightly wonky. Ah, handwork.

Notice the ravelly edges? I probably should have embroidered BEFORE trimming down to the required 6.5". Whoops. I think there's still enough edge left to stitch to the sashing.

If you're a member of PR, you should join the fun! I think Deepika has roughly 40 blocks right now. The only requirements are that the finished block should be 6.5" square and they have to be postmarked by January 15.

Go HERE to read all about it!


  1. Very nice color choices. I like your embroidery for your name at the bottom.

    It is very cute...I might try making one for my very blank sewing room walls...but I think I might make a GIANT one...

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    that is so stinkin' cute. I like it, I wouldn't have noticed the spool if you hadn't pointed it out.

    speaking of PR, I'm not a member and we're trying to save money. I'm also trying to learn new techniques this year and sew up some of the "good, scary" fabric. so, is it worth the money? g

  3. So cute. I really have to get around to starting mine, ahem.

  4. That is extra cute!

  5. Very cute block!

  6. My goodness, that's cute. I've never seen that block before. Love the color choices too!

  7. That is sooo cute. I Love the colors you used.
    Prayers, Bo

  8. That is gorgeous.

  9. Too cute! I think this may be the one project that makes me actually feel like taking up quilting (at least enough to do one block!). Thanks for sharing the link :)


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