Wednesday, January 28, 2009

wonderland - day 2



Cold but enjoying it...

I'm feeling generous, so I'm sending all of my blogger friends on the East Coast some snow.

You're welcome.


  1. Beautiful! I wish we had snow like that here!!

  2. I love those pictures. Thanks for sharing. I wish we had a little snow here in Alabama but it is in the 60's today. UGH. Can you send a little cold weather my way?

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    those cows look cold. The landscapes are lovely. What are you picturing with?

    thanks so much for the photos of Stella - she is such a pretty girl. Amazing how much the cold energizes them, isn't it. g

  4. Yeah, you've sent your cold weather all the way south to me as well. Do you own cows?!!

  5. January in Montreal & more snow - gee, thanks ! They're calling for anywhere between 20 & 30 cm by tomorrow and it started EARLY today :-) I will say, from the perspective of someone snug in the house, it DOES look pretty :-)

    Your pictures are beautiful.

  6. Brrrrrr so far we're only getting rain, rain, and more rain in SE Tennessee but we may see flurries later tonight. I hope so, but I don't want the ice. My daughters are in the NE so they will be getting that stuff.

  7. oh, you are so sweet..what a giver. ;o)
    It is coming down, and adding to the 175" i have already had this year.

  8. What beautiful pictures! It is cold here but no snow!

  9. Thank you for not sending it out here to the west coast. However, I really enjoyed the pictures of snow and animals, especially the little fat bird and the frozen cow.

  10. O wow!!! So pretty!!! What kind of camera do you have? I want one!!

    Hey hun! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Yes the new CPSIA law is the silliest thing ever, and the girls are just getting so big. Zella is already turning 2 next month and Xiera will be 5 this summer! I wish time could just stand still just a little longer. :(


  11. No need to send the snow...we already have lots ;) . But those sure are some pretty visuals!


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