Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Kitties for Nina...

The Atlantis Crew (ignore my in-progress paint job in this room & just ogle the kitties)

Elizabeth, JohnShepperd, Rodney, Ronan

Sneak attack....I've got a picture that needs re-hanging and it's their favorite "hideout". The non-hider can divebomb all emerging kitty parts from the step, so it serves a dual-purpose.

Prettiest Kitty Contest...


Ronan & Elizabeth have gone on to their new homes. :( We're still pretty sad. Especially me, who had to get up at 4 the past 2 mornings to comfort mamaless kitties (mama went to the same home as Elizabeth.)

The Keeper
He probably will never win Best Lookin' or Most Talented...his face is always dirty, and his nose is awfully long... but he purrs whenever I pick him up, he comes running when he hears my voice, and he's at this very second curled up in my lap asleep. JohnShepperd has my heart.


Parent/Teacher conferences tonight... Can you believe that? Feels like we just got started (and erica's kiddo's really DID just start last week!!) I had 3 parents. All fabulous kids with involved parents. I love to see them...but isn't it funny how you see the ones you really don't NEED to? Hmmm...

Going to sleep now. Wow, I'm old. It's 9:30!!


  1. oh my! Abby is just begging for a kitty. Let's just say I won't be showing her these pictures!!!

  2. Anonymous7:45 PM

    You are a living doll!! What IS it about kitties??? I'm going to be looking at these pictures a lot for as long as I need the "aw" factor:-)

    Thanks Angie

  3. Oh now erica...Abby needs that kitty! I just wish a litter box wasn't part of the deal :D I had a cat once who scratched at the door like a dog & went outside...now that's the ideal kitty!

    Thanks Nina! :D Aren't they cute! Even with my cheesy 60's era house as a backdrop, LOL. I'm trying to refurbish (VERY slowly) to bring the paneled walls up to date. It's slow going tho.

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Yeah, well you DO have a few other things on your plate!!!


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