Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm so tired! I haven't had the energy to do much more than sit and read or watch mind-numbing tv the past two weeks. In light of that, and my lack of sewing time, I thought I'd drop in and let you all know I'm enjoying myself and having a bit of a hiatus from the old blog.

I've never taken time off blogging and I've been doing this since early maybe its time to have a wee vacation. Not too long of course because I'd miss you all! But I'm tapped and without much to offer in the way of bloggy goodness.

Don't go breaking my heart by dropping me from your feeds now, you hear? The sewing and other crafty, snarky fun will return in a week or two!


  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Hope you recover from going back to school soon. I know what you mean - I started work last Wednesday and I'm exhausted! g

  2. I'm so dropping you. Right. Now.

    :) Come back soon.

  3. There ought to be more of this - sit down until you feel like standing up!

  4. Have a lovely break honey x

  5. Sometimes it's good to take a break to get refreshed. Have fun!

  6. You are worth waiting for! You and all your snarky goodness!!! Relax and get settled into the school year...

  7. Ahh, the beginning of the school year - it can drain event the most robust of us! Those little buggers really can take it out of ya!

  8. Take the time you need to regroup. Blogging in general has slowed this summer. As fall approaches, people will settle down and get back to it. Rest, recoup and dream.

  9. I know how you feel :)
    I haven't been blogging much but I love to keep up with what others are doing.
    Take a break and take care :)

  10. While you are breaking, watch some good tv!! have you watched TrueBlood yet? The husband and i just started it this weekend, on Netflix! love it!! I had been hearing good things about it, and my sister told me it was the only reason why she keeps HBO. It's definitely the grown-ups (thinking?!) version of Twilight!

  11. Feed your soul with books. I call that working! It's at least a good excuse. :-)


I love hearing from you, and thank you in advance for reading and commenting! &