Sunday, November 20, 2011

Polyvore Potions

Sunday Morning Cappucino + Polyvore = One Happy Blogger

And in honor of my favorite Once Upon a Time character...
I think I have all sets linked to their Polyvore page now, so when you click, you can view the items/brands.

ps...Don't forget... Once Upon A Time is on tonight! 


  1. The yellow and white dress could be made using Macaron by Colette Patterns. I keep meaning to try a full skirt with that pattern.

  2. I love the yellow and red and the yellow and teal ones! You have such an eye for style!

  3. I'm waiting for you to sew something. Do you get all next week off like I do? Really, how can I be envious of your new garments if you don't make some?

  4. the second one is me, right? that's what you're getting me for christmas, right? 'kthxbye!

  5. I always love your polyvore's. I don't need to bother learning how to do them...I can just come and look at yours! And thanks to you, I watched all the Once Upon a Time's on demand this last week. Liking it so far - a lot!

  6. aren't you supposed to be... uh... y'know... cleaning the house or something?

    'Cause all this polyvorous goodness is sort of depressing me.

    I really want that red coat.

    Oh wait, I see from Oona's comments that you're buying it for me for christmas. Awesomeness.

  7. I want to wear every one of these outfits. Drooling on my keyboard...

  8. I want the Guess bracelet, where can I find it? I have searched everywhere.


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