Saturday, November 05, 2011

the walls were shakin...

Wow, I just experienced my first earthquake. That'll wake you up!


  1. I hope everyone is OK.

  2. They do give one the creepy/curious/what the heck kind of feeling. We had one here in VA about three months ago.

    Onto another subject, explain Polyvore to me. Looks interesting. Email me at lwl1951 at gmail dot com.

  3. Bii-atch, you beat me to it! I was so totally going to go for that one.

    Oooo, word verification is "trepop". "During last night's earthquake, there was a lot of trepop. My poor sycamores."

  4. Me too! I had just finished watching both Arkansas and OSU kick some bootay. I thought the cat jumped on the bed but he was out hangin' with his other kitty friends. I'm going to have to call my insurance agent and see about getting earthquake coverage.

  5. Was that not the craziest thing??? It seriously creeped me out for a little while.

  6. That was really weird wasn't it? I thought my dog was up against the wall scratching or something. My hubbie was in the tub and he said the water was moving back and forth and was really cool.

  7. Oh my gosh. That's so strange. When I lived in California it was qite commonplace to feel earthquakes, but I never imagined feeling one in my Oklahoma! We have them here in Wyoming sometimes, I hear, but I've never felt one in Chey.


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