Sunday, May 22, 2011

Once Upon a Pie...

You already know of my intense love of all things Pushing Daisies.  After all, I did an entire series of collages based on Chuck's wardrobe!

Then my blogger friend Barbara, of Moxie Tonic, decided she wanted to create a Pushing Daisies wardrobe/fashion blog.  When she asked for input, I jumped at the chance to help!  More Pushing Daisies?  Yes, please!

Together we have been (sometimes feverishly) putting together a wonderful new blog featuring all of our favorite people, places, and things about Pushing Daisies.  Finally, I feel like our baby is well enough on it's way to share with you! 

May I present....Once Upon a Pie! 

While our main goal is to ultimately document every single fabulous outfit that the ladies wore on the show, we also have plans to include a Stitching Daisies section, for all of those "inspired by..." creations, a vintage pie recipe section, Emerson's knitting patterns, and tons more Pushing Daisies inspiration.  

I hope you'll come see what we've been up to, and follow along!  Pushing Daisies, the television show, may be a thing of the past, but it lives on in our hearts.  

Grab a button if you'd like to share one on your blog! Just copy the linky text below and paste into a new "add html" gadget (if you're using blogger).


  1. Very cool! I love everything about pushing daisies

  2. Love the fashions, but yes, it was the mention of "pie" that most got my attention!

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM

    This is just pure awesomeness!

  4. This show hasn't reached Australia yet (or not on free to air). Love the yellow coat!

  5. Aaaaaah Chuck Chuck Chuck! Hurrah! I'm see you've also got tabs ready for the Darling Mermaid Darlings Lily and Vivian... Yay!

    Ps. I'm planning on doing a bumble-bee inspired Chuck dress soon... ;) All I need is for my damn exams to be over! x

  6. ~ * ♥ * ~

    GAH! Angie you and your friend are geniuses!!!!!!!! I adore Pushing Daises, and not only am I going to follow asap ~ I am also stealing your button. Well, not steal as it's free to use; but you know what I mean!

    Love, love, love it ~ thanks for putting in all the hard yards.

    bonita of Depict This!
    ~ * ♥ * ~

  7. ~ * ♥ * ~

    Ugh fail ~ I meant "Daisies"...
    > <

    bonita of Depict This!
    ~ * ♥ * ~

  8. How delightful! I adore Pushing Daisies--especially Chuck's clothes of course! ;) Off to check it out and add it to my feed reader!

  9. 10 years later, is there any chance this Pushing Daisies blog still exists in a folder on the back of someone's hard drive? Obsessively searching for leads on that one fabulous yellow coat.

    1. OH my I wish! Barb deleted the blog (and her own blog) years ago and I didn't have any way to contact her unfortunately. I would have kept it up indefinitely! :(


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