I am totally in love with Taraji P Henson's hair! (the dress is gorgeous too.)

Philip Seymour Hoffman showed up to the Oscars in a black knit beanie. WTH?

I think Kate Winslet's dress is my favorite.

Or maybe Ann Hathaway's.

Amy Adams looks fabulous! That simple red silhouette topped with a heavy green & gold & various other stone necklace really speaks to me. I would totally do something like that. You know, in my next life when I get to walk the red carpet.

Twilight hottie alert!

Diane Lane never ages.

hehe at Tim Gunn gushing at Angie & Brad.
I'm rooting for Ann Hathaway & Robert Downey Jr, although Heath Ledger is a shoe-in for supporting actor.

Hugh Jackman is like super hot.

And we're off! See ya on the flip side!

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