Wednesday, April 28, 2010

weight a minute...

We interrupt this vintage & sewing broadcast for an off-topic conversation!

Over below my archives section, you might notice a new little "ticker". (I couldn't find one online that fit in my sidebar dimensions so I made one myself!)

(Normally I wouldn't share something quite so personal, but we're all family right?)

I joined Weight Watchers this weekend! I'll be following the online program. Many of you have commented over the past few months on various projects that I had "lost weight" and that's true, last year I lost approximately 15 lbs. I didn't do anything rigid or structured, or really even planned (sorry. I know that stinks.) I substituted whole grains for white, gave up sugary sodas, eat more veggies.

As usually happens with this sort of thing, I have gained 5 lbs back though, and even the addition of an exercise bike this February hasn't really made a difference (oh, wait. I bet you're supposed to RIDE the bike!)

My two Kristines (here and here) have been keeping me motivated. It really helps to have a buddy I can email when I'm hungry! ha!

Just a note about WW...I've done it in the past, after I had my gorgeous daughter Lu, and was successful. I like that I have to figure it out on my own (still have to cook, pack a lunch, grocery shop). I'm not a fan of processed foods every day so things like protein shakes/bars/frozen dinners don't work very well for me. I'd rather have real food. Anyway, I like that I'm making new habits, not letting someone else tell me what/how much to eat.

My first goal is to lose 35 lbs. I probably won't be talking about it again (unless you just ask me something specific) but I thought I'd let all of you know because my garment sewing may change a little to allow for weight loss (i.e. I probably won't be making any fitted sheath dresses anytime soon!)

If you've read me for any length of time, you know that I'm a big proponent of LOVE THYSELF. Life is too short to be worried about something like weight or diets or pant size. I still believe that, that's still my motto. I'm still fabulous and beautiful, no matter how disgusting my jiggly parts are to thin-istas. Unfortunately I've been struggling with a couple of health issues since January that have me really thinking about quality of life, and my doctor thinks weight loss may be a positive combative change I could make.

I hope you'll wish me luck and if you need an "I'm starving/I hate that damn treadmill!" buddy, let me know! I'm probably available. ;)


  1. i'm seriously considering doing ww online too!! I' need to check it out a bit more before I invest any money into it.

  2. Good for you! We have been trying to eat better too and cut out processed foods. I bought Jillian Michaels "Master your Metabolism" book last year and just got her new cookbook so I'll be working my way through that. I need to lose weight for health reasons too. It sucks but must be done! ;-D I wanted to join WW too, just don't have the funds right now. Poo! Best wishes to you on your journey. I may have to start emailing you for support!

  3. Good luck with that, I have not joined anything, just watching my intake and using guidelines from East Right 4 Your Blood Type, which helps me lose everytime. I just need to stick with it. I love that you are comfortable with yourself, but I understand the health thing that it would help. I am the same, I don't need to be skinny, but a little weight off would help everything run a bit smoother.

  4. Good luck. I've had success with Weight Watchers many times but not in keeping it off. Hope you have better luck.

  5. Good luck! I lost a little over 20 lbs last year for health reasons. I've kept it off and I do feel better. I have to admit that I never lost the last 10 lbs, but it's not such a big deal.

  6. Whoa, there's 2 Kristines? I better check this out...
    Keep up the good work, I'm glad to be your buddy through this, through sewing, through life! Give any thought to walking the halls after-school with another teacher? That's a easy way to fit some exercise in your day and requires no fitness equipment! Good luck!

  7. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Go Angie! Great to hear about the weight loss last year and joining WW online. I know you'll reach your goal and then some...the "then some" referring to the lessons and joys of the journey. I really love reading your blog and your approach to life! Hope you'll sprinkle in some tidbits about WW online every now and then.

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Good Luck! You can do it for sure. You're going about it in just the right way.

    I love your blog btw!!!!

  9. Go Angie! Although I have to say, if you find me inspirational, you may be on a long hard road. Now the Other Kristine... man I hate her. Ha! Kidding! She is doing so well! Feel free to email me with all your complaints, though--- wait. You already do that! LOL

    HA! my word verification is "maxings". We are all going to cease to be maxings.

  10. Oh good! We can be buddies then. I've been seriously considering joining WW for the same thing- health issues. My Dad was diagnosed with diabetes this year and I DON'T want that!!!!!

  11. Cheering you on! I've trimmed a couple of inches through exercise since Jan., now I want to see the numbers on the scale go down. New 90-day workout/nutrition challenge starts for me on Monday, so I'm up for virtual de-pudge buddies. My diet is mostly healthy: about 80% organic whole foods. Now I need to focus on the 20% that's wine, cookies, and chocolate, and make some improvements there.

  12. Hey, I just got home from school and I'm about to jump on the treadmill! I have 10 pounds that need to go, so I'm with ya baby! My nemesis is chocolate - I c.a.n.n.o.t. resist chocolate. So, maybe we can keep each other honest.

  13. Congratulations for taking positive steps to a healthier lifestyle! I am a WW On-Liner too. I used to go to WW meetings, hut found I do just as well, if not better on line.

  14. It's never easy. I'm sorry you are dealing with health issues - that are driving this. I hope you keep the Love thyself and I'm positive you will.

    I'll be happy to support and share any way I can. I could use a lunch packing buddy to help come up with new quick ideas. g

  15. I am new to your blog, but am a WW Lifer, with a total loss of 60lbs under my belt. I'm in the best shape of my life, so kudos to you in wanting to truly 'love thyself.'
    I look forward to following along your journey! Good luck!

  16. I'll be your exercise buddy. My job this summer is to train intensively so that I can keep up my weight loss. I plan to start Jillian Michael's 30 day shred just as soon as school is out at the end of May.

  17. Anonymous10:40 AM

    jillian michaels scares me and i hate treadmills. but i have known you long enough to know that you have done tougher things than this, successfully and with grace! i love you and support you! i am wanting to lose the same amount, i'm down 9lbs so far. e-mail me anytime, i will hold your hand. love you!

  18. You go, girl! I love your attitude about loving yourself just the way you are. Hugs.

  19. Way to go, good luck to you. I'll be getting on some type of weight loss &exercise plan when I figure out which is best for me. This one sounds good. I did WW year ago & will have to check out the online version. You might be hearing from me especially if I choose WW.
    I love your blog!!


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