Wednesday, October 26, 2011

wednesday wisdom.

Two cookies if you know. :-)


  1. This must make me an venerable elder :)

  2. I am showing my age by passing this test! The pen goes in the holes to wind the tape back into te cassette!

  3. Oh the time I have spent in this life rewinding up cassette tape! I've even had to splice it back together to salvage a favorite mix tape (sacrificing one song in the surgery usually)...ah tapes.

  4. The pen is used to wind the tape the place where you think your favorite song is! LOL!

  5. Haha. I looked at this, puzzled for about three seconds before I remembered using pens to roll the tape back in if my tape player tried to eat it. Oy. I'm not that old!

  6. hey, up until my old truck bit the dust a couple of weeks ago, i was STILL doing this at stop lights ;) now my only tape deck is on my house stereo, ahh

  7. Yup. Manual tape rewinder. ;-)

  8. Um. COOKIE cookies?

    heh. I so sadly know the answer to this.

    although I like the term "venerable elder" and not just "you be OLD".

  9. I always used a pen to wind my tapes when they got messed up! Sometimes it was so bad I'd have to cut out a section and then use some scotch tape to patch it. It skipped a little of whatever was on the tape, but at least I still had the rest it for my listening pleasure!

  10. I used the pen to wind back up the tape. I am only 26 does that make me old ? :(

  11. Did someone already say? Use the pen to wind the damn thing when your car eats it!

  12. I'm only twenty two, and I knew exactly what the connection was. (I'll admit I was puzzled for a second, but only because for some reason we always used pencils, not pens.)

  13. That one was easy! How about a nickel and a tone arm? :D

  14. ~ * ♥ * ~

    Wow... I am old! You use the pen to wind the tape if the tapey ribbon bit {oh dear, so technical here!} gets all pulled out and loose. :D

    bonita of Depict This!
    ~ * ♥ * ~

  15. Oh, yeah! And, you also need the pen to label your tape with, say, "Violent Femmes (3 songs)", "Music For Hot Scott", or "American Top 40 May 15, 1983"


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